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Trying to work through the yard plan after reading Andy Sperando's book and the "10 Commandments" article (Andy, if you're out there, would really appreciate your thoughts too) - both were so informative.  Anyway, the layout in the pic shows only the "sea level" route (it's going to be 3 levels altogether but no need to show other levels for this query).  Overall, I like my layout (but totally welcome any/all suggestions and criticism) and purposely have the yard going under the double main as it allows for a nice long yard without it dominating the layout (and it also creates a natural reversing loop).  But with this set-up, the drill track (lower left track that trails off the A/D track) connects via double slip switch at the beginning of the yard ladder, forcing the switcher to cross from the drill track over the A/D track to grab yard cars.  Would appreciate your thoughts/comments/help...



 6.27.12Upper-Lower-and-Yard Only








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  • 6.27.12Upper-Lower-and-Yard Only
Last edited by PJB
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I need more description of the elevations near the yard.  The blue yard tracks are at one level and I see the black mainline appears to connect with both ends of the yard.  Does the mainline climb a steep grade to pass over the yard tracks in the middle?


Generally, a double slip switch is asking for trouble in an area of heavy traffic.

Hey thanks for all the advice! 


Good question - I'm thinking my bigger problem might be the overpass grade.  I have been toiling over this, trying to keep the incline within reason. 


Don't know the NMRA standard for necessary clearance at an overpass, so I assumed 6".  With this assumption, according to RR-track, the incline is 4.8% (measured from the overpass to 10" before the closest yard turnout at the right end of the yard).  And, it's 4.2% on the left side, leading to the double slip switch.  Been trying to lessen these grades, just can't figure out another arrangement to do so.  Obviously, if I need less clearance, this would help...


The double slip -I just recently inserted into the plan to save space, rather then 2 regular turnouts.  Sounds like popluar consensus is that I should go back to the 2 turnouts?





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