I had a new problem this evening. I was running my inner loop on variable outlet 2, and scrolled the voltage down to zero with the remote. The problem was, it didn't go to zero. I actually didn't notice the caboose light was still on until I went put a conventional engine on the track and it tried to run away from my hands.
I scrolled the voltage up and down for that channel. The voltage indication went up on the remote, but I don't think the brightness of the bulb changed, and it certainly didn't go out. Now I was in the middle of having fun with conventional trains, so I yanked the power off the tiu channel, hooked up a z750 controller and kept going. But usually I run dcs.
With voltage just passing through, I feel this is likely a hardware problem, but that's the impression of a man who deals in mechanical hardware for a living, not electronics. Is there a recommended troubleshooting for this issue, should I sent it out for work, or is this just the beginning of the end? Not that it should make a difference for this problem, but I know I am at least one revision behind on software updates.
All constructive comments appreciated,