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If you mean the K-Line Super Streets library, I know nothing about it, but I did see a 2.5" adjustable track in there. So I used that in 2 places to get the reversing loop to join. I don't know if this is what you're looking for. If it is, it takes a bit of trial & error to size the 2.5" adj piece correctly and I see it's still off a bit, but close enough for SCARM. When you add the adj piece and right-click, the menu has an option to "Adjust".




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  • streets
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Last edited by DoubleDAZ

Here is an updated image from my reply to your other thread.

streets reverse loop 3


In the above image you could also take a 10" straight and cut and splice it down to 9.1"

One of the challenges with 'Streets having only 45 degree curves and the straights being done in multiples of 2.5" is that in trying to configure reverse loops you either need to cut and splice a straight track or find one of the old K-line SuperStreets adjustable tracks.



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  • streets reverse loop 3

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