I erroneously posted this in Tech Support (was wondering why no one replied), so posting it here, hoping for better results:
Doing a father-son project with my twin 8-year old sons. Our first real train layout! I finally came up with what I think is a decent (but rudimentary) track plan. It's rough because: (a) it's my first-ever attempt to come up with such a plan; and (b) I used RailWare (Railking software), which is good, but has limitations in terms of track pieces and curve radii. We are planning to use either Atlas O or GarGraves (leaning toward Atlas O).
Plan Key Points -
Dimensions -
The space for the layout is walled in on three sides (left, back, and right sides). The Left wall is approx 14 1/2 feet long, the right wall is approx 11 1/2 feet long, and the rear wall is approx 14 feet wide. I plan to go through the walls on the left and right sides (into closets) to enlarge the width a little and to keep some things out of view. The left closet is room-length and has about 2 feet of usable width. The right side closet is a rectangular "island" around the stair case. From the back wall, I can extend forward about 8 feet into the closet before running into the stairs. It has about 32 inches of usable width inside. So, basically, I have an 18 1/2 wide area.
The Layout's Appearance -
The left side of the layout will be an urban setting and the rest will be suburban to rural (want to have a small town by the classification yard that's right out of "A Christmas Carol" and some operating manufacturing stuff). The right back and along the right wall will have mountains.
There is an Elevated train system (the green tracks), two main lines at "sea level" (072 and 081), a switching yard (the reddish tracks) and some staging tracks (along the left edge, in the closet and out of sight). Hoping for a roundhouse and turntable as well by the yard (space permitting).
1. The Elevated lines - The green lines represent the EL. The entire area under the EL will be an urban setting. There will be three lines but only two curves at the top turn-around (036/045). None of this is depicted in the attached plans because the Railking Track Software doesn't have 045 curves, curved turnouts or double slip switches. I think I would need to use double slip switches and other switches at the curve leading into the end-of-the-line (bottom horizontal portion) to keep the 3 tracks from turning into 6 lines. If this requires the end-of-the-line part to extend more than 10 feet, I don't have the room and would need a different plan (maybe a point to point for all three lines?). The EL will have 3 stations - one on each straight and one at the horizontal bottom (end of the line).
2. Main lines - There will be two (072 and 081) unless I can add one or two more at 054 (but don't want the layout to be all tracks and no scenery). The main lines will disappear into the closet on the Left side and incline up to go through a **** Gate bridge and then into a mountain pass along the back right and right wall. I also want either one or both of the main lines to split in the Left closet and NOT incline so that they have water-routes along the back wall (with siding). The water route is currently not conected back into the main when it runs into the main's curve, but again, this is due to software limitations. The inclined lines will decline on the Right side (going into the mountain/turn and through the closet) and re-emerge at sea level (the yard is at sea level). The mains will pass the yard and then drop below sea level as they go around the loop (the diagonal tracks you see crossing the yard are below sea level). When the mains run into the area under the subway, they will disappear into tunnels that run underground and run under the buildings and into the wall/closet). I want a passenger station stop under the subway (where the mains inner loops are, I guess). You can see that in the Left closet, I have extra lines that I want to include for my staging lines. Again, they aren't actually connected to the mains due to software limits. They would need to connect into the sea level main lines.
The Classification Yard -
The reddish parallel tracks in the front/center represent the classification yard. Again, can't do it right with the Railking software.
-I would like a turntable near yard and a roundhouse, few sidings and reverse loops if not too difficult to achieve - but stumped on where to implement.