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ROZY 205 posted:

Once I do what Barry suggests do I have to set speeds for each train so they do not collide ?. How do you get one train to stop so the other one can proceed?.


Once I do what Barry suggests do I have to set speeds for each train so they do not collide ?   Yes, The engine  (s)remember(s) the speed until you change it.

 How do you get one train to stop so the other one can proceed?. Select the engine and dial down the speed or double tap the brake button. The secret is using the eng button,

I went more to DCS over TMCC because of the DCS "ALL" command back 10 years ago.  Using the "ALL" command permits the operator to start all the trains on a single track.  Using this I was able to run 37 trains simultaneously (before I torn down my layout and built.)   Specifically, I had all the engines on each loop within a single handheld in the active area.  I then had the next loop's engine in the 2nd handheld etc. up to 9 handhelds and loops.  The wrinkle to have to remember is that (at least under DCS 4.3) is that you need to reselect the "ALL" command or else one handheld will operate an another handheld's trains even if the engine is not registered on the handheld being used.  This was related to the TIU which would act on the last set of engines if they were not reselected.  What I would do is to have the fastest train first followed by successively slower trains until the last train which would be the slowest train on that loop. Another issue is that I liked to have the Legacy train as my last train on a loop because the greater speed control (at the speeds I run my trains - 30 smph or less).  I have found that the Legacy trains can be better adjusted because at the speeds I run I have 3 speed steps to each smph.  I ended up using the Legacy controller because in the version of DCS I run, a TMCC/Legacy engine run on a DCS handheld will go to the inactive engine display.  I had issues moving the TMCC/Legacy engine back to the active screen before it would be hit by the fastest train on that loop.   Because my redesigned layout is grandchildren friendly, I usually on have two trains per track letting my kids each run their own train. Current configuration is set up for 13 trains simultaneously with a 4th level going up to permit a couple of more trains to be added to that total.

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