Somebody could write an article about this (if it hasn't been done already). Anyway, I think that the operational status of various Lionel smoke units should be more clearly explained than it has been in the past.
I understand that in most TMCC engines, after you shut down using AUX1, 5, if there is power to the track the smoke unit actually stays on in that there is power to the resistor although the fan is not spinning. In this case, if there's no smoke fluid in the unit the wicking can get charred.
Equally important, with these engines, if you want to turn off the smoke unit while the engine is (for example)on a powered siding, the shutdown sequence alone won't do it; you have to use the AUX1, 8 command.
Not so it seems with the Vision Genset and maybe some\all Legacy models, where the smoke unit goes off completely at shutdown. This is the case with my Genset and the manual describes it.
I think that the same applies with late-model Legacy engines but I am not sure about my Legacy FEF-3, where I can detect heat rising from the stack after shutdown if it's on a powered track and there appears to be smoke in the chamber beneath although it is not of course being pumped out.