I have a MTH Metropolitan Transit Subway Set, 20-2281-1. Today I smoked the power unit #3850. It's powered via a TIU variable channel. As soon as I put power on the track it seemed the ZW was struggling but the bulbs didn't dim. In less than a minute the Subway faded to black. A burnt electronics smell followed. The unit was drawing about 8 amps. When I removed the unit from the track followed by some conservative troubleshooting operation returned to normal. TIU works and in-line fuse did not blow. Concluded failure was the result of the unit shorting ? I took the shell of the unit and no burnt item/area was obvious but it smells This is a Protosounds 2 unit with a 9 volt battery.
It looks like the Protosounds boards are plug in. It looks like there is a sister board with the power board heat sinked to the chassis ? Can I just call up MTH and order the power board or are the boards only sold as sets ? Cost/Availability ? Do I need to do more troubleshooting ? I presume the motors are OK. Any help would be appreciated.