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Hi Everyone,


I have an issue here. I have a layout with Atlas track and turnouts. It seems that when my MTH steam engine is slowly

going over the turnout's it stalls. When manually moving the engine forward or backward from the turnout.the engine starts

back up. I have used a meter to check continuity and there is power to the turnouts. One thing i have not as of yest tested is

my diesal engine to see if it fails as well. I heard that some steams engines have this history of doing this.

Any thoughts on this? By the way, if the engine is not going slow, the issue does not occur.

Thanks You

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Not only should you be checking for power at all three center rails, but you should also be checking your common ( call it ground if you want) but there also has to be a return path. Sometimes, wheels with traction tires can cause a loss of common problem. One way to check for this is to see if the engine stalls through that same turnout going in the opposite direction.

Make sure the readings you're getting aren't on the common rails in the middle of the switch. Those rails are supposed to be dead. When the engine crosses them the middle rail pickup roller crosses them and if they were connected to the common the locomotive would short out when the roller crossed them. You should have voltage from ALL middle rails to ALL OUTSIDE rails on the switch. The 2 outside rails in the middle of the switch will not be hooked to the common.

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