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I made a loop to loop 0 gauge subway by making a subroadbed then assembling the main platform with legs in the pre designated voids of the subway.  The subway level is in flat black.  It has three subway  station platforms and two bridges over a deeper valley:

IMG_0931Floating subroadbed clamped in placeIMG_0932Subway mounting 003Subway mounting 005Checking for clearancesSubway mounting 006Subway mounting 007

Final day of installation 008Temporary  piers in placeZach's RR 8.10 001

Trestle piers to finish valley.  Note exposed subway in background.

Zach's RR 8.10 003Track forward of station platformZach's RR 8.10 006

Track behind platform and in front of platform along with siding nearest fascia.

Zach's RR 8.10 010Track beyond station platform


Images (12)
  • IMG_0931
  • IMG_0932
  • Subway mounting 003
  • Subway mounting 005
  • Subway mounting 006
  • Subway mounting 007
  • Final day of installation 008
  • Zach's RR 8.10 001
  • Zach's RR 8.10 003
  • Zach's RR 8.10 006
  • Zach's RR 8.10 010
  • Zach's RR 8.10 010

In addition to a large o gauge layout at 40" off the floor, I did an HO three leaf clover layout 20 inches off the floor with a dual track mainline and each main having a siding.  Each leaf protruded from beneath the o gauge pike.

I had Leon of Dallee electronics install automatic circuitry so four trains could automatically rotate through a varying sequence of passing through the three exposed lobes of the clover.  The children loved it cause it was at their level.  No photos.

Last edited by Tom Tee

I know this is a very old thread and long past the point where responses may be useful!!!

But anyone contemplating above and below layouts should check out the layouts of Jim and Linda Quick. Linda built a beautiful layout under Jim's.  I believe it's about halfway between the main layout and the floor.

There is an OGR video on their layouts and articles in the OGR magazine archives.

Of course, in responding to the original post, most people on the OGR forum would think the O gauge belongs on top and the HO below.


Last edited by Jim Policastro

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