These are merely suggestions to help improve this forum and the work the moderators do.
1. If you sell everything, just delete your post instead of adding "SOLD" in the subject line. It is is in the same drop down menu as "EDIT". That will move one more member's post to the first page and help out the moderator so he doesn't have to do the same thing.
2. If you have multiple items, delete the description and the picture. It's just good housekeeping and saves reading a lengthy description only to find out it's sold.
3. Put "FOR SALE" or similar in the topic line. That just helps identify your post.
4. Make sure you have some kind of contact info in your Profile Page.
5. If you repost your topic, delete the old one. That also moves the other posts up a notch.
For example, Allan Miller put up a number of engines for sale 8 hours ago. He is down to two left, that is all that is in his post and he has edited his title to that effect. I'm sure that his post will be gone when he sells the last two.
Thanks to everyone who already does this, and thanks to all for reading.