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It's #SwitcherSaturday Time!!!!

Lots of us out there love switchers (shifters, docksiders, yard goats, critters, etc.), so lets keep #SwitcherSaturday (a.k.a. SWSAT) rolling!

This week on the Ri.C.H. (Richmond, Chesapeake, Hudson) R.R. - a little porter (B&O #16) is shuffling cars around the yard.


Also, I took this video the other day of the current status of the layout, most of my time recently has gone into trying to clean the basement floor though, since I didn't realize how dirty it really was until I started actually using the basement and tracking dirt and dust upstairs every time I went up. Apparently the foundation sat for a period of time with no house on it, and man is that floor dirty. I continue to mop and wet-broom / shop vac, it's getting better but it's pretty filthy. No big deal really, I'll get it cleaned up here soon.  The video is a little all over the place, I hope nobody gets vertigo looking at it.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, have some switcher fun and when you get a chance - please post some switcher stuff here!

All the best...Rich Murnane

p.s. Miss the post on Saturday? NO BIG DEAL, just keep posting pictures of your favorites until the next #SwitcherSaturday

If you missed last week's SWSAT you should really go take a look, we had a ton of posts and it was a great fun!


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Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good morning Rich. I like your new layout. Suddenly it's 1950!

Providence & Worcester GP38-2 #2007 was acquired new from EMD in November 1980. The P&W railroad was incorporated in 1844 and came under the ownership of Genesee & Wyoming, Inc. in 2017. P&W #2007 has since been transferred to another G&W property. The model is by MTH with PS-3.




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  • MELGAR_P&W_EMD_GP38_2007_7
Last edited by MELGAR

Happy Switcher Saturday everyone. 

Rich, things are hopping on the RiCH RR.

My contribution is my #228 on my former layout. 

On a side note, I posted another topic yesterday to mention I am looking for 2 years of the old Pennsylvania Railroad employee magazine, The Pennsy. 

These are the ones I was looking for still:

1957 (was monthly then)







1958 (changed to bi-monthly)



Thanks if you know someone who is thinning out their collection or has duplicates. 




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Yay! SWSat is on!

I like your progress on your layout Rich. The Bridges over the ravine are fun. Good luck on finding those magazines Tom. Melgar the P&W is( kind of more was) one of my favorite lines. I went to college in Providence and enjoyed walking past the switching operations along Harris Ave. I probably saw this engine working 20 times or so. I should look for one.

This week I am posting my RS11 from Lionel.


I am about to go to the NYSME/METCA joint train show in Carlstat NJ. It is a nice show if you read this and are in te area come on over NYSME is running thier layouts.


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Last edited by Silver Lake

Happy SWSat!
Great video Rich- the layout is looking good. If your basement floor is bare concrete then you may want to seal it with a clear sealer or paint. The concrete will always create dust. When I was in home construction we would run across houses built on older foundations that had flooded. The silt that was left behind on the floor was like talcum powder. Would get into everything.

I was hoping to post my new RMT Beep this week but a shipping snafu has delayed delivery to Monday. Next week for sure.

A couple of repeats this week since I've been busy with a project around the house. Not much train time for me.

2017-06-05 22.02.502017-06-05 22.03.012017-06-05 22.03.182017-06-05 22.03.28


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  • 2017-06-05 22.02.50
  • 2017-06-05 22.03.01
  • 2017-06-05 22.03.18
  • 2017-06-05 22.03.28
Arnold D. Cribari posted:
BAR GP7 #63 posted:

Happy Switcher Saturday. S.B.R. ALCO HH660 #150 "Anchor" continued switching around Shark Bay area. I just love that my new switcher, it´s just a right sized engine to our layout. I think next S.B.R. engine is can be a GE70 ton Switcher and name can be a "Chum".


Beautiful trains and scenes, Johan.

Arnold: Thank you.


"BAR GP7 #63 posted:

Happy Switcher Saturday. S.B.R. ALCO HH660 #150 "Anchor" continued switching around Shark Bay area. I just love my new switcher, its just a right sized engine to our layout. I think next S.B.R. engine is can be a GE70 ton Switcher and name can be a "Chum"."


Great shot of a great layout, as usual!  May I ask the source of your ALCo "HH660"?   I've been lobbying (posting here) and hoping for someone to produce ALCo "HH" class locomotives but have only seen an occasional brass offering on the web.  I came close to buying one in 1:1, years ago, but was thwarted and have yearned for one in 1:48, ever since.

Rapid Transit Holmes posted:
"BAR GP7 #63 posted:

Happy Switcher Saturday. S.B.R. ALCO HH660 #150 "Anchor" continued switching around Shark Bay area. I just love my new switcher, its just a right sized engine to our layout. I think next S.B.R. engine is can be a GE70 ton Switcher and name can be a "Chum"."


Great shot of a great layout, as usual!  May I ask the source of your ALCo "HH660"?   I've been lobbying (posting here) and hoping for someone to produce ALCo "HH" class locomotives but have only seen an occasional brass offering on the web.  I came close to buying one in 1:1, years ago, but was thwarted and have yearned for one in 1:48, ever since.

Rapid Transit Holmes: Thank you very much. Because Atlas, MTH or Lionel or any another manufacturer don´t like build any 1:48 Alco HH660`s my friend John and I build that S.B.R Alco HH660. We use Lionel S2 trucks and some another parts included TMCC. Maybe we can use some day 3D printer when we learn more.


coach joe posted:

Johan it's good to see Anchor has finally been put to work doing what he was meant to do. Can't wait for you to come up with Chum.

RSJB18 is that LIRR work train cruising through Garden City?  I didn't know the LIRR had any unprotected crossings like that left.

Joe- yes this is at Washington Street. The train is on what's left of the Central Extension just east of the GC station. The big freight yard at the end is gone now but the RR built a signal maintenance facility on the land. They still use the line for storage of MOW equipment. The RBBB Circus train used to park there too when they were at Nassau Coliseum.

When I was a kid the line was still heavily used to shuttle freight to several industries, including the A&P warehouse. Most of those buildings are gone now or have been converted to offices.
There is one other crossing on this line at Clinton Rd that is also unprotected. I had posted a while back about the Washington St crossing after a local resident wondered why they did not need gates. Here

More history Here

Good pick up did you know it was Garden City?

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