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Well I've found a little extra time for myself this weekend and into next week so I decided to begin a quick project I've been kicking around for a while.  I have quite a few recently acquired locomotives but I have no layout, nor the space for one at the moment.  What I do have is 14 feet of bar-top space in the basement.  I think that would be perfect for a portable test track.

I decided some time ago that I would like it to be simple but have three 140" tracks in 3R O, 2R O, and HO. I have plenty of Bachman HO, Lionel Fastrack, and Atlas O 3R track (I've pulled the center rail on some 3R since I have plenty of it and the outside rails are isolated, rather than buy new Atlas 2R.)

Phase 1: Construction

Picked up a 1x12x12 quality pine board, and some 1x2x12 select pine boards. Put a couple coats of left over black paint on while I shopped for some other materials.  I thought I would save a few bucks on the quality board.  I knew better.  This was a mistake as I discovered upon closer inspection after painting that while the board was clean and not warped it was cut like a banana!  I didn't feel like getting the table saw out to rip it square so I just went back and spent the money I should have in the first place for a Select 1x12x12 and started over. I decided not to paint the underside this time. (Also, now I have an extra-12-foot-painted-banana-shaped-board taking up space in my garage.)


Next since I wanted to keep it light enough to move around easily I didn't want to add weight with foam or homasote etc.  But I did want some type of sound deadening since the track would be screwed directly into the board.  I settled on some I found on sale from Hobby Lobby, a mix between a short furry fleece and felt material.  Found a 40% coupon online too!

I hand-planed and sanded the edges of on top of the larger board for better surface and edge for the material.  Cut the material with enough to wrap down around and rolled up ready for gluing. Using contact cement I just brushed along, un-rolled, pulled tight, and smoothed out the material. Repeating as I went.  Once done and dried a little, I cut just enough on the underside to tuck into the support boards.


Next I cut the remaining 1x2x12 into 8 1/4" cross-members for the underside.  Clamping them together beforehand I drilled between each pair to get channels for the underside wiring.  I plan to "loop" the track on the underside.  Power supply will also run underside.  Attached underside framing with wood screws securing the glued folded over material. Finished nailed through the sides since I didn't feel like digging out the dowel jig.


Smoothed out any wrinkles before the glue set and then a little extra drying time.......


Brought it inside and attached rubber foot skids to the underside frame.  Checked for track spacing options as I begin to think about the wiring.  (Often, I engineer as I go, knowing generally what I'll do and then figure it out as the project progresses.) 


That's it for today.   Up next for Phase 2: Track, Wiring, and Power.  

I'll post as I make progress...


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Last edited by WITZ 41
Original Post

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Since you're using Atlas-O 3-rail for testing 2-rail locos, you could skip the Lionel FasTrack. Since, as you mentioned, the rails are isolated, wire each rail to a seperate connector. Something like:

O - C - O

Connect to you DC power supply +/- to the 'O' terminals when testing 2-rail locos. Connect your AC supply 'hot' to the 'C' terminal, and the 'return' to the 'O' terminals when testing 3-rail locos.

Then you could use the space where the FasTrack will be for either an 'S' or 'G' track if you're into them.

Len2 posted:

Since you're using Atlas-O 3-rail for testing 2-rail locos, you could skip the Lionel FasTrack. Since, as you mentioned, the rails are isolated, wire each rail to a seperate connector. Something like:

O - C - O

Connect to you DC power supply +/- to the 'O' terminals when testing 2-rail locos. Connect your AC supply 'hot' to the 'C' terminal, and the 'return' to the 'O' terminals when testing 3-rail locos.

Then you could use the space where the FasTrack will be for either an 'S' or 'G' track if you're into them.


I had briefly considered that but I decided against it as I kind of like the idea of having 2R and 3R locos on the test track at the same time. Plus I have so much Fastrack I'll never use I figured I could use it here. 

I, however, DO intend to use Atlas 3R track in my layout when I rebuild it in such a way as to be able to switch out power sections between 2R and 3R options. This way I can run either kind of locomotive using the same tracks.

I'll be posting today's progress here shortly.......


Last edited by WITZ 41

Phase 2: Track, Wiring, and Power. (part 1)

Didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but still made some progress.

Tapped holes on each end based on desired spacing of tracks....


Pulled wire for the "underside loop".


14-3 for 3R, 14-2 for 2R and HO.....


Lined up and secured underside loop wires....


Started with HO track since it was in the center using a true straight edge, (I'm kind of a nut about things being square or true), so I can then align off of it on each side for the parallel tracks....


HO and FasTrack have Power terminal sections. For the 2R-s-inated Atlas 3R track I used 2R power joiners courtesy of my LHS (he's a Wabash fan by the way, his Dad worked on the Wabash, so he always has Wabash items in case you can't find it.)


Secured remaining and parallel tracks.  Ready for end wiring.


Up Next: Phase 2: Track, Wiring, and Power. (part 2)

Tap access holes for terminal power wires. One for each side, just in case, so power sources can be used on either side depending on which O gauge track you want closer to you.  Join upper tracks with "lower loop" wires.   Then on to Phase 3.


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Last edited by WITZ 41

Finished up Phase 2: Track, Wiring, and Power (part 2) today. Lots of pictures on this one....

Using what I had available left over from other projects I used Female disconnect crimp ends for the wiring...


Modified them to fit the ends of each type of track....


Atlas Track for 2R....



Crimped for Fastrack 3R......


Able then to plug in and crimp.  Center rail had to flatten even more. I could not get the center pin out without destroying the track.....



Finally using HO rail connectors crimped together the HO pieces...


Anyone who does not have one of these tools I highly recommend one.  Made in America and worth every penny.  Makes stripping wire ends a snap!


Crimped ends onto each wire and connected to each rail....



Double checked all connections and completed both ends.......


Tapped wire holes on each side of center set of tracks to run power terminal wires through.  Tapped holes on each side of frame so they can be fed out either way depending on which type of O gauge track you want to have closest to you....


Performed power tests with locomotives for HO conventional and 3R O conventional.  All OK! 

Finally, I wanted to test my ZW-L set up for 2R.  I'm using Lionel 8-82116 Large Scale DC Converter Box connected to my ZW-L to power the 2 rail track conventionally.  I figured the Volt & Amp meters on the transformer plus the circuit breakers would give me enough protection.  The box gives limited functionality for features using the direction button on the converter box for horn/bell etc. , but power must be drawn all the way down before it can be used to change the direction of the locomotive.   I like to run conventional so I'm ok with this. Besides, it's just a test track......


I'll post a short video of the 2R power test in just a few moments. 

Then on to 

Phase 3: Rail end covers, paint touch-up, full scale demo.


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Here's a quick video of the 2R power set-up test.  

I used my recently acquired Sunset 3rd Rail E7 (Thanks Butch).  I've read all the previous posts and agree this is a wonderful locomotive.  Thanks Scott Mann!  I intend to modify it to circa 1948, but that's a project for a different thread.  

Conventional 2R using Lionel ZW-L via Lionel 8-82116 Large Scale DC Converter Box.  Take note of Volt meter and features activated by the simple direction switch on the box.  Overall, I'm very pleased it worked out.

Up next:

Phase 3: Rail end covers, paint touch-up, full scale demo.


Videos (1)
Test Track.1

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