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as we all know the York meet is a great adventure. but in some instances care must be taken. this post is meant for first time York goers mainly.

1. if possible bring a pricing guide book with pictures

2. avoid getting so caught up in a purchase that you fail to thoroughly inspect the item

3. if you are unsure make use of the officials

4. be aware that price stickers can be placed to cover a defect

5. beware that flatcar loads may be on the wrong flatcars


others may be able to add to this list. at any rate have fun and good luck finding your dream items.

Bob C.

Last edited by Rich Melvin
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1) Don't use a published price guide.  I've found they are wrong.  They don't keep up with the supply/demand curve.  Know what an item is worth from input from many different sources.

2) Know what you are willing to pay for an item based on #1.  If it is below it, buy it on the spot.  If it is above it, wait....chances are you'll see it again.

3) Don't pass-up an item you are willing to pay what they want for in hope that you will find it elsewhere.  If it was a great deal to you, it will be a great deal to someone else right behind you and by the time you get back, it will be gone.  I cannot remember how many times I violated this rule and lost out.

4) If you think you are getting a great deal, don't try and get an even better one.

5) Don't stand in front of an item debating if you are going to purchase it - someone might just reach over your shoulder, pull it out, and buy it literally right from under you.  Have seen it happen.

6) See #1.  Wild fluctuations in price on "identical" items, within the same isle, same hall, and different halls.  Of course, the sellers will tell you that theirs is different.  Theirs is unopened.  Only gloves have been worn when handling.  No pets, no children, no smoke, no alcohol, no drugs....  Theirs came from the estate of so-and-so.  Theirs has been on a shelf for 30 years and hasn't had power applied.  Theirs hasn't seen a track - ever....etc.


1) Was missing the LTI 6464 Series 1 remake set of boxcars.  I "borrowed" a Greenburg guide at a local table.  If I recall, it said they were "worth" $650....maybe in 1995!  It was like 2012.  What did the guy want?  Around $650!  Went 2 isles over in Red/White hall and found the same item, this guy wanted $275.  Passsed again.  Went home and bought a set on Trainz for like $120 and still probably overpaid.  Bottom line, know what it's going for on-line.

2) Conversely, saw a MTH UP RPO car I really wanted.  It was on my list.  It was $30-35.  It was the first one I saw in the Purple Hall.  Wanted to hit a couple other halls first.  By the time I got back, it was gone.  I knew I was willing to pay $60.  Couldn't find another.  And after seeing one for $30, wasn't willing to even go up to $50.  Still bugs me today for not getting it.

3) MTH PS2 major road name 6-axle diesel (well used) was not labeled.  Asked for price.  Was told $150.  Knew it was probably worth around $200+ to me, as it was a road name/number that I was missing and was on my "look-for" list.  Saw one or two on e-bay for $250.  For some stupid reason, I tried to get him to go down in price just a little.  He looked at the item, and then it struck him that the price he gave me assumed non-powered and since it was powered, he raised it to $250.  Turn-around is fair play.  Needless to say, he wouldn't sell it for $150 and I wouldn't buy it for $250, and it was clear we were not going to meet in the middle.  Had I kept my mouth shut, I could have had it for $150.

in the times I went to York there were side auctions at night one of which I attended. there was a Lionel 027 passenger car for auction which could be had for 20.00. I caught the bug and bid the item to 40.00. emotions can rule at York if you are not any rate I got the car home to add to the collection and found that I already had one.

Bob C.

Robert Coniglio posted:

in the times I went to York there were side auctions at night one of which I attended. there was a Lionel 027 passenger car for auction which could be had for 20.00. I caught the bug and bid the item to 40.00. emotions can rule at York if you are not any rate I got the car home to add to the collection and found that I already had one.

Bob C.

I  found duplicats I didn't know or forgot I had when digging things out to list in ebay. 

Don't spend all of your money in the parking lots, hotels and fire halls on Monday through Wednesday.

As mentioned above, if you see something you really want on your list, grab it because you may not see it again in any hall.

Route for shopping:


I always start out at the Purple Hall, then hit the Red and White Halls.  From there I dash down to the Brown Hall, then spend the rest of the day in the Orange hall.  The number of venders in the Purple and Brown Halls have been dropping off, there was a lot of empty space in these two hall back in October. In October I was able to make it down to the Orange hall on Thursday much earlier than in previous years.


I always hit the Blue and Silver hall the first thing on Friday and then spend the rest of the day in the Orange hall. Oh, and work in the OGR meeting in the old Gold hall area under the stands.

Head home on Saturday.

O hope to be there in October, the second grandson's baptism is this weekend in Aberdeen, NC. I think I need to be there .

Good shopping and safe travels to all.



Richard Gonzales posted:
.........  From there I dash down to the Brown Hall, ....


For anyone who hasn't heard yet, there is no more Brown Hall, so don't include that in your grand plan.

(Though if you are planning to that level of detail, I'm very impressed! )  I usually used to just hit Brown before or after Orange in the past unless I heard a specific tip on something I wanted maybe being in there.


mlavender480 posted:
douger posted:

All TCA members are a elete group and no one will sell you something that is not right knowing they would get called on the carpet for such dealings. It's a honor to get into this organation  member don't make mistake to get banded.



In the world of the Internet, I think this is known as "sarcasm".

Dave45681 posted:
Richard Gonzales posted:
.........  From there I dash down to the Brown Hall, ....


For anyone who hasn't heard yet, there is no more Brown Hall, so don't include that in your grand plan.

(Though if you are planning to that level of detail, I'm very impressed! )  I usually used to just hit Brown before or after Orange in the past unless I heard a specific tip on something I wanted maybe being in there.


Based on past experience, the lack of the Brown Hall will save me about 5 minutes.  However, I will miss seeing the arrows that all point to the middle of one vendor's booth - no matter how many times I saw it, I always got a chuckle out of it.  (If you've never been to York, you won't get the "arrows" thing.)

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