If you could all listen to radio transmissions over a RR scanner, you would wonder to yourself just who the idiots are that write the scripts for these "crewtalk" soundtracks!
3. "Take the green!" ???? Does anyone tell you to take the green when you're setting at a traffic light? It's pretty much self explanatory, green means go, we all know that. If for someone reason the crew hadn't taken the signal yet, the dispacther might call and say...."3751 are you on the move yet?" which means wake up, you've had a lineup for 20 minutes. lol
"Take the green" HA!!! What a laugh that is (along with the rest of this "crewtalk" mumbo-jumbo)!
Dispatchers absolutely
DO NOT know what signal aspect is displayed to a train in the field. They can tell if your route is lined. That is all! They will line up the signals and either tell you "Sgnal Indication at..." or "That will be your signal at..." etc., etc..
Signal lights can be burnt out or blacked out due to loss of power. The Dispatcher has no way of knowing this unless a train crew or someone reports it to them.