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In the Electrical forum is a place where you can post manuals or links to books etc for reference.  Is there a way to post just the layout drawing itself with grid block size? This way someone can scan down the drawings looking for new layout ideas, and if found can count blocks to see if it would fit.  Include the author so a search could be made to study the drawing closer, to see how a track problem was solved or "be lifted" for use on your new concept design(s).

Original Post

Of course, there is, but someone has to be willing to do the work.  Start a thread, maybe called "Track Plans Only, Please" and in the opening stipulate what you are looking for and/or trying to do.  In your case, you would ask for a layout "picture" overlaid on a scale grid with each square preferably being either 6" or 1'.  I might suggest that you specify that your thread does not seek conversation about, criticism of, or approval of plans, only the plan itself to be enjoyed or copied by others.  I would also suggest that you allow attachments of electronic copies of plans (SCARM, AnyRail, RR-Track, etc.) so that others with the same software can "play" with the plan.

I have seen this done on other fora, and it works quite well.


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