A UP train hauling military cargo hits truck stuck on grade crossing.....
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Wow! That is quite and accident and video.
Oh, that is one messy accident, but, no one was hurt, and the truck was carrying trail mix, not, say, bees . . .
Or worse, Lee, caustic Chemicals.
Looks like the crossing is far too steep for truck use. Should be marked as such.
It is, last photo shows a sign with a truck stuck on the crossing.
Gene Anstine
Now I'm hungry. Gotta go get some trail mix
Glad no one was hurt, but the truck driver get's an F.
Well, in California the signs need to be bilingual, you'd think, but picture didn't work
either. In this area there is a low underpass under a railroad. There are signs, there
are flashing lights, it is spelled out "Low Bridge, XX Feet". Some guy in a box truck
tries to drive under it at least once a year. I dunno if they need it in Spanish and
French as well as English, and metrics in addition to feet, but I am leery of driving my
pickup with a cap under it, because the clearance does not look great. I also haven't
kept track of how often somebody does that, but they have beaten up the concrete
underpass, and it is a local joke. (they might add that picture, a large one, on each
side of our underpass. Something like a RR tunnel warning to drag across windshields?)
Accidents happen, no amount of signage will stop people from making mistakes.