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Hi Ben et al.

Beyond disappointed to hear of your upcoming eviction. I hope and pray you'll be able to find a suitable, and affordable, place to begin a new layout soon. And to save all the one-of-a-kind items you've got there, from Tom Snyder's layout, the Sopranos layout, the GCT board, the posters along the window wall, etc.

Kathie and I are planning to be there.

Our best wishes to you and the other club members for a bright future together.

Chris (and Kathie)

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER


I'm sure that someone may have already thought about a way to work with this.  What are the chances that the storage facility might consider leaving the third floor as-is and renting it to the NJHR?  That, coupled with a state or federal grant for funding might be do-able.  Our club in CT (BMRS) has benefited from 2 state grants that allowed us to do some major (for us) projects that donations at the door just couldn't cover.  The NJHR is a state and national treasure!

@necrails posted:

You can get Google directions which will give you a walking time.  As far as the neighborhood it a low income tired area but entirely walkable.

We are on the outskirts of Paterson in the Bunker hill section  The walk from Hawthorne train station isnt bad  Straight shot down river   You pass the Sealy mattress factory on the way.   We are the black dot in the pic



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  • 2024-11-20

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