The Weather Channel web site has a bunch of photos up of abandoned train stations
Now that's a photo
The Weather Channel web site has a bunch of photos up of abandoned train stations
Now that's a photo
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What a shame you have to have a Facebook account to comment on the articles. Some of these photos look like back round scenery used in the film "Chernobyl Diaries." Very creepy and VERY scary places, even during the day.
The Buffalo New York station is one of the worst examples of this sad situation. The Michigan Central station in Detroit is just as bad, if not worse.
They ought to just raze them, put them out of their misery and get rid of the hazards they now represent. They are likely not structurally sound any longer and no one is ever going to restore them. The Detroit station is in a neighborhood that I wouldn't go anywhere near, even in the daytime.
The Buffalo New York station is one of the worst examples of this sad situation.
Some guy has to throw politics into it at that site. I don't think "unions" were the downfall back in 1800s. What is he talking about??? Maybe he needs to get attention.
Wow, such a shame. I have to agree with Rich on this one....time to bring it down.
quote:They are trying to stop the Buffalo terminal from getting worse. They put in some windows and stuff. They just waited way too long.
Before the Buffalo station fell into a state of total disrepair, a fellow purchased it and tried to turn it into a catering hall. I attended a train show there. Had to have been in the mid 1980's.
The attempt failed and the building ended up in the hands of someone who stripped it and abused what was left.
The Detroit station is in a neighborhood that I wouldn't go anywhere near, even in the daytime.
The Detroit station is in a part of Detroit called Corktown, a up and coming neighborhood. No I wouldn't go wandering around alone in the middle of the night but on Michigan Ave where the station is located is plenty of thriving businesses and a pretty safe area. One of the best restaurants in the city is located just across the street and is very well known.
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