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I am curious as to how the the WIU will control my Z4000 & Remote Commander receiver (40-4001). It looks like track control will be included with the premium app but I think there is a small communication barrier with the remote commander receiver.

Some one please correct me if I am wrong, but the DCS remote communicates to the TIU and the remote commander receiver independently using a 900MHz frequency.  This would mean the WIU nor DCS app has anyway to control a Z4K remote commander receiver due to those devices operating in the 2400MHz WiFI frequencies.

I'm sure MTH has a plan, I am just wondering how it's going to work out.

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For quite some time, I've been lobbying for MTH to find a way to incorporate Z4K Tracks into the DCS App. At present, as far I know, MTH has no plan to do so.

My thought process is that there are a few ways in which this could be done. However, any such method would require either:

  • Connecting a WiFi-capable equivalent of the Z4000 Remote Commander receiver to the Z4000's receiver port
  • Connecting a cable from the WIU to the Z4000's receiver port
  • Connecting a cable from the TIU to the Z4000's receiver port
  • Modifying the WIU  code to send commands from the app through to the TIU, and then somehow using the TIU's 900 MHz transceiver to talk to the current Z4000 Remote Commander receiver.

This last method be my preferred method, providing, of course, that the TIU's architecture permits it to do this. Doing this would not require any additional hardware purchase by the DCS operator, and would also allow simultaneous use of Z4K Tracks from both the DCS Remote and the DCS App.

Regardless, all of the above would require software changes to the DCS App and the WIU's firmware. Method #3 or #4 would also require changes to the TIU's DCS software, as well.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

I have been enjoying the running of my entire layout (2 Z4000s one TIU and tour AIUs) with 3 Z4K tracks. I want to now use the DCS WiFi iPhone/iPad app option, and will need to eliminate the Z4K tracks. The original set up was involved, but wonderfully successful due to Barry’s Bibles.

If there is no way to control Z4K tracks by WiFi since Barry’s 1/11/2016 thread, how do I remove the Z4K tracks and revert to the tracks’ original status?

Thanks in advance.


If there is no way to control Z4K tracks by WiFi since Barry’s 1/11/2016 thread

That's correct, there is no way for the DCS App to control Z4K Tracks.

how do I remove the Z4K tracks and revert to the tracks’ original status?

First, remove the Z4000 Remote Commander receiver from the Z4000. Next, delete the Z4K Tracks using the remote: Menu/System/Track Setup/Delete Track

Then, use the transformer handles to adjust track voltage.

DCS Book CoverThis and a whole lot more about DCS is all in MTH’s “The DCS Companion 3rd Edition!"

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DCS Book Cover

This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 1st Edition!"

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Last edited by Barry Broskowitz


You are so kind to help me out. I DID contact MTH, requested that they consider supporting Z4K tracks via the WiFi app, and “...will consider it”. Hmmmm.......

I will bid adíos to the Z4K advantage to play with the WiFi system.

BTW, every time I have a technical question regarding my layout I refer to what I call Barry’s Bible. THANK YOU for making the system understandable and enjoyable.

More questions that demand your wizardry: Momentary contact accessories like the 30-11028 MTH water tower and the ATLAS Century uncoupler tracks baffle my wiring abilities. Is it correct to assume that they can be some-how wired to the AIU Switch posts?

One last imposition: How do I wire to MTH DCS the operating freight or passenger platforms to maintain/control constant lighting while independently activating the “disappearing freight” and “boarding passenger” features. 




Momentary contact accessories like the 30-11028 MTH water tower and the ATLAS Century uncoupler tracks baffle my wiring abilities. Is it correct to assume that they can be some-how wired to the AIU Switch posts?

Just wire the as you would to their own controller pushbutton. Substitute the "1" and"IN" terminals of an AIU ACC port for the terminals on the pushbuttons.

One last imposition: How do I wire to MTH DCS the operating freight or passenger platforms to maintain/control constant lighting while independently activating the “disappearing freight” and “boarding passenger” features.

This one's a bit trickier. I have mine connected to the AIU, however, it was several years ago and I can't lay my hands on the wiring plan that I used.

One thing that I can say for sure is that, if you wire it to the AIU, you cannot also have it wired to its manual controller. The operating freight and passenger platforms use a latching relay that will cause a conflict between the AIU and the manual controller. 

Thanks. I will wire as  recommended, and turn on and off as if operating a momentary push button before burning out the mechanism.

Your help is generously of great aid, and I remain grateful for your wiring expertise. If you recall the best way To wire the freight/passenger platforms, let me know.

I am enjoying constructing and operating DCS so much. Much easier with your books. I’ve organized my routes, and will group animated accessory scenes. Then on to scenery. Farewell, Z4K tracks as per your last thread.

Best regards. Ron.


   The simple way to keep your Z4K Tracks is to stay away from the WiFi AP and run with the DCS HHRC.   Just another good reason not to use the WiFi AP, it looks as if it will never control the full spectrum for running all your engines.  You will not be able to run your conventional engines via remote control with your WiFi Ap.    To bad because the conventional engines, especially the old Pre War Tin Plate Engines, run quite well Via the TR mode. 



Last edited by Pine Creek Railroad


The newly-released DCS Companion 2nd Edition discusses a method for "Power Track" control using the DCS Application.

See my  thread announcing the new book.

DCS Book Cover

This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Pine Creek Railroad posted:


   The simple way to keep your Z4K Tracks is to stay away from the WiFi AP and run with the DCS HHRC.   Just another good reason not to use the WiFi AP, it looks as if it will never control the full spectrum for running all your engines.  You will not be able to run your conventional engines via remote control with your WiFi Ap.    To bad because the conventional engines, especially the old Pre War Tin Plate Engines, run quite well Via the TR mode. 



Come on Dave you know this isn't true!

The WiFi app fully supports Variable Track control on the TIU using the VAR1 & VAR2 outputs. One will need to have purchased the Premium upgrade for the app to have this control of the variable channels.

Yes, the app doesn't have the 18+ year old PS1 programming built-it. Not a big deal as that market is becoming a mere fraction of a percent of the MTH lineup with each passing year.

A buddy of mine passed on the $400 zk4, bought a $159 WIU, a $175, TIU and the $25 app upgrade for less than one new z4k. Now he has complete conventional control, full DCS command control and he has three remotes! (left over smart phones from the junk drawer)


Dave is correct if you interpret what he is saying as applying to Z4K tracks, which is the subject of the thread.  Switching from remote to WIU control means you lose the capability of controlling a Z4K receiver, which provides the only way to have walkaround control over the tracks fed from a FIXED circuit.

Okay RJR, that is true! The spirit of this thread is related to z4k control specifically. However, the statement I highlighted in yellow above is not accurate (or at least incomplete). And there are work arounds to operating conventional trains with the app and the TIU as I explained.

Ether way, one z4k can only run two conventional tracks, just the same as a single TIU with the WIU & premium App.

Do bell and whistle commands pass through the TIU fixed ports from any transformer? Just curious as I have never done it.

Last edited by H1000

"Ether way, one z4k can only run two conventional tracks, just the same as a single TIU with the WIU & premium App."

Apples & Oranges.  The first half of the sentence is true, only if you have a remote or Z4k controller, but the remote w/ Z4k receiver, unlike the WIU, can control voltage output of 4 TIU channels and the WIU, can only control voltage on two.  Go the WIU route, and you need 2 TIUs.

This discussion may be academic, since Z4k receivers are scarce.

Also forgot where the trains came from and what they came with, Maybe we have some RTR sets that already came with brick transformers?  Even if you are trying to run some old postwar stuff, you must have had a transformer of some sort made before 1998 (first year of the z4k), why can't you use that previous transformer(s) to run engines?

This is purely about control and not power sources. Reuse what transformer you had before you buy stuff to control it.

I guess we also forgot about track, utility power, a floor or table to put it on, and some wires to connect stuff, right? See how some things are just assumed that you already own. Much like the 4 or 5 old smartphones (remotes) sitting my junk drawer upstairs.

Take the example of my buddy in my previous post. He didn't want the Z4K for it's power, he wanted something that could provide a wireless remote control. He already owned a couple of RTR sets with Bricks and a left over KW from his postwar collection of years ago. Why throw out all of that good power for a Z4K? Reuse it!

That's kind of a nice feature when you think about, Power & Control are no longer bundled together. The WIU & TIU combo makes it more modular. Pick (or reuse) your power, pick your control, pick the size of remote screen you want, and only buy the exact components you need.

Last edited by H1000

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