I just couldn't help myself
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Thanks for posting this Steve.
I remember the first time that I saw one of those on the road. I laughed so much that I nearly crashed my car.
Now all you need are a string of wienie tank cars!
Expect PETA protestors at your door next week. I have seen it driving down the street in Dallas twice in the last ten years.
That is great! You have to find a way for it to play the Oscar Meyer song.
Now all you need are a string of wienie tank cars!
Love it. You could use it as the centerpiece of street scene with a bunch of PETA protesters and some spectators hanging around a hot dog stand watching the fun.
Heinz reefers and vat cars are available marked for ketchup, mustard, and pickle relish, and they are actually prototypical. I've also seen a vat car marked for Vlasic pickles. I don't know about tank cars but somebody probably made one of those too.
Steve, that's cool.
I'm glad you didn't! Love it!
Just saw the original at the Henry Ford Museum this past weekend. I really went to see the Allegany.
Clem K
This is just great. I love the way it looks. Saw the original last month a few blocks away from where I am now in downtown Chicago. Yours looks better!
What a cool idea, It needs command capability next.
Since the video was done, I have added headlights, taillights, a red flashing light on the top and a small sound card that plays "I Wish I Was an Oscar Mayer Weiner" at the touch of a button. It will run at the Great Train Expo on Costa Mesa CA this weekend. I suspect the young and old kids will get a kick out of it.
When I was little I road in the weinermobile in Madisom WI. Little OSCAR was about the size of us kids. Got some free stuff to. I like what you did but you need a ketchup & mustard car & a pickel car . Have fun with it ...
I've decided I need one of these! My simple NYC firecar was a big hit with the kids at our last local modular train show, so I think a couple more simple items like this would probably also be a hit. I'm looking for one now on eBay, I think I'll make it command and try to add sound. Where did you get the sound card, that sounds like a great option, and the perfect tune?
I found the tune on the Internet, but I'd need a sound card to play it.
I've decided I need one of these! My simple NYC firecar was a big hit with the kids at our last local modular train show, so I think a couple more simple items like this would probably also be a hit. I'm looking for one now on eBay, I think I'll make it command and try to add sound. Where did you get the sound card, that sounds like a great option, and the perfect tune?
I found the tune on the Internet, but I'd need a sound card to play it.
Hot diggety dog! Now I'm hungry for one...
Very nice job. I like novelty pieces!
Thanks Steve, I sent him an email, hopefully I can work something out.
Here is a video with the lights and sound. Not sure why, but the top red flashing light does not show well despite being pretty bright.
I just found this and it made my day.
I can see a train of catsup and mustard tankers; sauerkraut, pickle relish, and chopped onion reefers; hot dog bun and potato chip box cars and root beer and Coke tankers; flat cars of paper plates, napkins, and cups, and a combine caboose bringing up the rear with a dozen little kids hanging out the windows.
Hello Steve; If that doesn't put a smile on everyones face; nothing will. Just loved it! thanks waynew (walter wayne)
I couldn't help myself either, he's your Wienermobile's brother.
It was a bit more work to get all that working, but the end result does put a smile on my face.
I couldn't help myself either, he's your Wienermobile's brother.
That's a riot, but not in my diet !
A motorized zucchini would be more to my liking ...
I couldn't help myself either, he's your Wienermobile's brother.
If you change your mind I can help..............
I thought it was John https://ogrforum.com/t...erjohn-weiner-mobile
Now the Vid was cool, The picture looked sorta Doggie
I think I'll go make a hot dog and heat up a can of beans.
Hot dogs are not even healthy in snow. Too greasy, causes them to slide easily.
Now there are three. The original that inspired it all, mine, and Joe's.
Make that 4, although mine is still original as is. I don't plan on doing anything yet. Way too much else to do. As in being able to finally start a layout.
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