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I've seen listings for two Trump engines - this one and another numbered 4747.  Assuming that either can be considered 'correct' it would seem to be 'better' and more unique to issue 4547 celebrating Trump's 2 elections rather than just the current (47) one.  What's the skinny on this situation please?RenderedImage


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I didn't quite understand this one myself.  The 4747 model is exclusive to the Lionel store website (and retail stores I would assume), while the 4547 is available from other retailers.  It's like a spot the difference game.  The red and blue colors are inverted and the side of the radiator housing says "USA USA USA USA" rather than "GOD BLESS THE USA".

Since the places to get the 4747 are fewer, I imagine they'll make fewer of them, making it more limited.  Speculation of course...

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