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I just found out that Sylvan Scale Models (sold by Coronado Scale Models in the U.S.) , that make a fabulous, large line of HO models of all the pre-war vehicles I would want in O, ONLY in HO, in Canada, make ONE model vehicle kit in 1/48th.  That is of a 1929-48 Divco delivery van, often used for milk delivery.  It is priced at $42.95.  If you can use this vehicle in your urban scenes, it exists.

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colorado hirailer posted:

I just found out that Sylvan Scale Models (sold by Coronado Scale Models in the U.S.) , that make a fabulous, large line of HO models of all the pre-war vehicles I would want in O, ONLY in HO, in Canada, make ONE model vehicle kit in 1/48th.  That is of a 1929-48 Divco delivery van, often used for milk delivery.  It is priced at $42.95.  If you can use this vehicle in your urban scenes, it exists.

Yep, I couldn't resist building it...


We (LHS-Michigan) buy direct from Sylvan.  Clare (Gilbert), CEO, CFO, Chief Engineer, Manufacturing Mgr, etc. frequently passes our store on the way to other Midwest locations, so it's an easy drop.

As much as I've encouraged him to do more 1:48 models (for selfish reasons!), his is a common issue....the HO market is much, much bigger, offering a better return for effort. 

I also built his 1:48 tug and barge for which I would dearly love to have his (HO) buoy done in the "King of Scales" as a complement....among other druthers.  Maybe someday?....



Images (3)
  • Bakery1
  • Bakery2
  • Bakery3

Brooklin, which started in Canada, has managed to peddle a random and erratic selection of vehicle models at a much higher price , $100+, (many to European model car collectors, of course) and one wonders why that same European auto model market would not be good customers for more 1/48-1/43 Sylvan models?IXO, Whitebox, etc., just pander to the later years of auto models, 1970's and up, while Sylvan is immersed in 1930's and prior vehicles.

I find it very annoying that British O'scale is 7mm to the foot so HO is 3.5mm (half "O"). It's funny especially since England was not on the metric system when all of Europe was and still measured in inches and feet. That 1:43 scale became a standard car collectors scale and yet 1/4" = 1' is so widely used in the USA. Tamiya makes a nice line of 1:48 military models and of course 1:48 is a terrific aircraft modeling scale. I'm starting another project (not for posting here) of a Monogram/Revell B-17G. I'm building it for a fellow that was one of my young proteges back in the day when I was building models in the garage of my PA townhouse. That kit has 1:48 figures with it. Artista figures are also close to scale, but the European figures again are based on that 1:43 British standard. We just have to get more O'scale/Gaugers out there to make the market. I know, I know... that's wishful thinking.

CO Highrailer,

Thanks for posting this information.  The older body style is new to me and bit too "boxy" for my baby boomer memories and therefore modeling era. But it's good to know about.  Regardless, I checked out the tugboat and barge models mentioned that Sylvan also produces and was very impressed.  They will be on my retirement wishlist when the time comes.  Hope you don't mind my using this as an excuse to post another Divco picture along with a rare "K scale" model. 

From the dates of production that you provided, it looks like these two body styles overlapped a bit.

The milk truck is a 1938 Divco Twin photographed September 1989 at Digital Equipment's 3rd Annual Roadeo, Marlborough, MA (who says software engineers didn't have any fun?).  The kiddie car version is battery powered.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

PS=Pardon the bad scanner.


Images (3)
  • 1938 Divco Twin-at-MarlboroMA: Such a handsome face!
  • 1938 Divco Twin-at-MarlboroMA-Rear: Lots of room for storing trains.
  • Kiddie Battery Powered Divco: The "K" scale model.
Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

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