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Just purchased a 1531R controller second hand at my local train shop.  When testing it using accessory power, and a #140 wig wag I noticed that it ran continuously.  I wired it up as directions said using COM1 and NO ports. Could there be a problem with the sensor?  From what I understand is that when powered it should run for 3 seconds and shut off.  And then run again when something breaks the field of the sensor.   

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I have mine out for the first time in a while. If you did not get a manual go to and get one. There are 2 adjustments, sensitivity and duration after the trigger passes. Unless these are set for your particular lighting and other conditions this can be a problem. To sensitive and it will go off when a fly farts nearby. Not sensitive enough nothing happens. Once you get that set you can play with the duration. It took me a bit the first time, I was using 2 to trigger trolleys that ran on the same track but parked on separate sidings between 2 switches. The anti-derail kept them on separate sidings but the 153Rs would trip when one entered it's siding and triggered the other one to run. I had to make sure the power stayed on long enough for each of the trolleys to exit it's siding.


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