Something I've been wanting to try for a long time. Naturally it has to be built into the layout.
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Nice we had that (back in the 60s) trailer and a silver Cadillac, tow truck and I think a blue rambler very nice.
Thanks looks good I have a couple of those sets from when I was a kid. Was trying to figure out how to re-motor them so they would be more reliable. They are a bit bigger then 1/43 though.
Actually they came in a few sizes, and the bodys were scaled to fit the motorised chassis so scale is all over, some are near perfect. The gtx is mini motorific, and is more around 1/55 scale, the lincoln uses the standard chassis, and scales nicely, however, the same chassis with a mustang body would look wildly out of scale. Same goes for the trucks, the mack looks great but the chevy c10 from the same series would look like a monster.
Now that brings back memories.
Several years ago the same idea hit me, I have no idea why but one day I remembered the Camaro and Road Maintenance truck I had as a kid and wondered how'd they look with the trains. Checked out eBay, saw some listed but I never pursued it because I had already purchased some super streets.
After my time, rather than before. I have no memory of these. Really intriguing.
Nice repurposing!
As I recall, the only way to adjust the speed was to let the batteries run down - they were all or nothing.
I kept my trains and Hot Wheels, but sadly not the Motorific.
@Mallard4468 posted:Nice repurposing!
As I recall, the only way to adjust the speed was to let the batteries run down - they were all or nothing.
I kept my trains and Hot Wheels, but sadly not the Motorific.
More or less, there was a version "Racerific" that had a two speed gearbox, those don't scale well unfortunately. The mack semi has reverse, and I've seen a few with working headlights.
Thankfully they aren't as fast as actual slot cars.
@Signalwoman posted:More or less, there was a version "Racerific" that had a two speed gearbox, those don't scale well unfortunately. The mack semi has reverse, and I've seen a few with working headlights.
Thankfully they aren't as fast as actual slot cars.
Yep, you ought to try the new Hot Wheels 1/43 scale cars. I think they're based on the Carrera GO! cars. They're wireless, run about 400 MPH scale and you can keep 'em just about floored around the track thanks to the rare earth magnets in the chassis between the motor and rear end.
Good idea. Had them as a kid. Remember the varying sizes of the vehicles to fit the wheelbase of the chassis. Looked for some on eBay, but the prices are way up there. Getting guide pins is entertaining.
Using them in an O Gauge train layout is an interesting idea. Since you can insert stop pins inside the groove, you can make them stop at grade crossings. They can climb some fairly steep hills as well.
I had a set as a kid. It had a "brick wall" the cars the cars could smash through. Also a jump with a "passing siding" so if the cars were coming at the jump ramp they would drive around it. It ate batteries like crazy. Believe it was bought at a DX Gas Station as a promo, if you bought at least 8 gallons (probably at 24.9 cents/gal). When the cars would no longer make it up the ramp it was time to replace the batteries. If you intend to run them buy some rechargeable batteries. I remember pushing the cars around the track because was told the batteries cost too much. The rear wheels didn't want to turn due to the geared down motor. Childhood memories.
BTW that was mid 60's, wasn't even aware they made "big" trucks. I had a Ford Pick-up, also a Ford Station Wagon with wood-grain sides. The "cool" car I had was a Pontiac Grand Prix. You could buy the bodies without a chassis, even as a kid they were easy to "swap out". Remember getting extra bodies for 10 or 20 cents on sale.
@Rusty H posted:The Motorific cars and trucks are fun with O gauge trains.We have a 1/43 slot car track with our layout.Still enjoy running the slots.We do so at a variable speed.This truck has been adapted to a slot car chassis.One could use a DC HO power pack and have smooth running,slow and steady.
I remember trying that in...1969, I think it was, using the Aurora 1/32 track we had at the time.
I don't remember what I used for "guide pins", but using the power pack and speed controllers gave me the ability for reasonable speeds...
Mark in Oregon
@MainLine Steam posted:I had a set... ...It ate batteries like crazy.
...the batteries cost too much.
The battery issue was what led my father to buy this battery charger(I still have it):
My brother & I had many sets and lots of track, I sold all of it on eBay several years ago but kept a couple of the cars that were in good cosmetic condition.
There's a company, Artin, that makes inexpensive battery powered 1:43 slot car sets. The cars are pretty generic. Because the sets are so cheap, they'd be good for experimenting. Don't know if they can be slowed down easily.
"American Bricks" Played with those for hours!I guess they were our legos....
@Rusty H posted:
Nice PW steamer, too! I don't recognize it. Which model?
@Rusty H posted:"American Bricks" Played with those for hours!I guess they were our legos....
You folks gotta' stop pushin' my nostalgia buttons! I don't know how many houses I built out of American Bricks. They were more realistic-looking than Lego, had far more window and door styles that swung open, and those printed paperboard roofs. I spent many hours at my "Grandma and Aunt Weeto's" house building with those bricks (and Lincoln Logs) while my folks were out to dinner.
"Nice PW steamer, too! I don't recognize it. Which model?"
Thanks Bill.I'm a MARX guy.That is a # triple 6 die-cast smoker.One of my favorites..
Oh yes,Lincoln Logs....
Fun times......
@Lee Willis is building a significant road system using modified slot cars, it's really quite something!
John is Lee posting that work anywhere?