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I am working on a structure for a customer. Most will recognize this as an old Suncoast Models kit that used wood and plastic. I am making changes which include an all plastic construction plus raising the height of the coal bin. When the kit was designed (I think in the 50's or 60's) the height was OK for steamers of that period. Today's steam locomotives are too tall to make it through under the coal bin.

2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red [2)

This is the basic box for the coal bin. A sheet of black plastic was installed at an angle inside the bin to give it it's sloped appearance.

2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red [4)

Coal Chute and Apron [1)

The coal chute is a two piece construction with a brass pivot pin.

2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red [6)

The customer will be able to slide the chute assembly in and out inside the coal bin to hopefully give some control where the chute ends up over the tender.

2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red [1)

Before I applied the trim ( hard to cut from 60 mil sheet since I did not have the correct size rectangular stock) I glued ST-12 legs to the bottom of the coal bin flushed with the outside edges of the bin. I then cut the 60 mil stock to the width of the legs and starting with the ends glued the white styrene from the bottom of the leg to the top of the bin where it was cut to match the slope of the roof. Once these 4 pieces were attached I filled in the trim all around the bin. I glued more styrene strips to the side edges of all legs.

2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red [7)

The 60 mil trim stock for the outside and inside of the legs had to be cut wider to allow for 2x the thickness of the already applied trim stock (hope this makes sense).

2022-02-22 200 Ton Concrete Coal Tower 001 reduced [3)

Next came the foundation and leg panels - all 80 mil thick stock with an 80 mil strip stock top.

Tomorrow I will work on the elevator.


Images (7)
  • 2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red (2)
  • 2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red (4)
  • Coal Chute and Apron (1)
  • 2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red (6)
  • 2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red (1)
  • 2022-02-15 200 Ton Coal Tower 002 red (7)
  • 2022-02-22 200 Ton Concrete Coal Tower 001 reduced (3)
Original Post

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@Scott R posted:

Joe, the tower looks fantastic so far.  Please keep us posted on your progress.  Your coal chute / apron assemblies look great.  Did you use the Suncoast template to build those?

Scott - no sir, I performed a web search and looked at some RR mag articles on different methods of fabricating then kind of kit-bashed my own design. I needed something simple that I could build in a minimal amount of time.

Did some work on the elevator hoist. I also was not paying attention so made a mistake (below).

2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 001

The hoist house at the top of the elevator fortunately is removable to allow access to lights. I started building the various landings and fitting them to the stairways to get to the hoist house. Because of the orientation of the first landing and the design of the other landings, the door on the hoist house is on the wrong side of the building. The other landings are sitting on the work bench - lower right. They are a wrap around design with a space between the elevator and the landing to accommodate a stairway that hugs the elevator wall.

2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 002

The elevator housing is a simple box reinforced in the corners with square styrene rods. The hoist house was built the same way.

2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 003


Images (3)
  • 2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 001
  • 2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 002
  • 2022-02-24 200 Ton Concrete Coaling Tower 003

The major portion of the tower is pretty much complete. I still need to glue on the platforms. You can see the two ?head houses? off the bottom left. I rebuilt the head house correctly this time. The other one I can use on the layout as some sort of shed.

2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 001

The down chute from the elevator to the coal bin is fairly straight forward to build. One end is 90 degrees. The other end is the same pitch as the roof. In this case 45 degrees.

2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 002

2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 003

Below are the platforms. I first designed them so that any side would be at least one HR-8 rail section wide but the result was a way too big platform that looked out of place on the elevator. I cut down the two ends. Unfortunately this wastes a lot of railing.

2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 004


Images (4)
  • 2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 001
  • 2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 002
  • 2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 003
  • 2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 004

The tower is ready for paint. I have it standing next to my coaling tower. You can see how much higher the revised tower is. To accommodate the added height of the elevator I had to add an extra platform near the top. My original design called for stairways 3 HRS-8 slanted railing sections long. This was the longest I could make the stairway and still have it fit the width of the tower. If I used a 4-section I would have had to make the platforms wider which would not have looked good. But for future builds I can make the first platform 4 sections high. I think then I can get away with 3-section stairways all the way to the top.

2022-03-08 200 ton coaling tower 002

Attaching the second to fourth story platforms is a little tricky because I have to set the pocket hole size consistently for all 4 platforms while at the same time keeping them 90 degrees to the tower. This time I used small hardwood spacers and a 90 degree angle to set the platforms up for glue. Looking at the photo I think the next I am going to make a spacer to fit in between the platform and the elevator.

2022-03-08 200 ton coaling tower 001

I also built the coal chute lift mechanism but did not take a picture so below is from my design book

Drill holes in MS-825 to accept TB-2 tubing. TB-2 is plastic coated wire so will hold up to wear
and tear. Set up each assembly and glue to MS-825 base as a unit. The SX-2 can be glued
in place or left loose.
I am using black thread to attach the chute to the lift mechanism and glass beads I picked up from Hobby Lobby as counter weights. There are more sophisticated methods. I have seen metal gears and chains connecting the lift mechanism to the coal chutes. Grandt Line makes a plastic lift mechanism kit for sale.


Images (3)
  • 2022-03-08 200 ton coaling tower 001
  • mceclip0
  • 2022-03-08 200 ton coaling tower 002
@Bogart posted:

Very nice. Are the hand rails wood or plastic? You did a great job with all but the railings sort of reach out and grab me! Thanks.

Jim K

Jim - The stairways and railings are plastic from Plastruct - STA-6 and HR-8 (straight) and SR-8 (slanted). I use the ABS for all straight runs and the white styrene (STAS/HRS / SRS) for curves.
They are easy to work with but there are times when you need to cut them short of the whole width between vertical posts. Then you need to play some games as shown below

2022-03-04 200 Ton Coaling Tower 004

. I always try to design my platforms for whole widths of rails but there are times when the platform does not "look right" i.e. oversized.

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