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Who am I kidding...this remodel is going to extend past 2014, but I can dream I recently removed almost every piece of scenery from the layout, the buildings seen are only temporarily placed. It's current dimensions are 20'x8' but I plan to extend it out another 4 or 8 feet. Got my third inner loop and began painting and ballasting the track. An elevated loop, mountains, and much more are in the works. I'm dreaming big at least  Here are a few photos of some completed track sections:

Thanks for looking!

photo 1

photo 2


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  • photo 1
  • photo 2
Last edited by Surefire
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Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

I have to tell you, painting an ballasting the FasTrack drastically improves the look. Great job.

If Matt wouldn't have pointed out that the track was FasTrack I would never have noticed.  You did do an awesome job.  I have never seen that track look as decent as it does in the photos.

Wow, thanks for the compliments guys. I discovered (by accident) that the shiny almost mirror finish center rail of fastrack really disappears when the outside rails are painted a darker color. The eye seems to be naturally drawn to the outside rails when they are darker, which is why I never understood a black center rail with the outside rails painted because your eye will focus to that center black rail.


Theres no great secret to how I did this track, simply woodland scenic track painting pens and ballast. 

Last edited by Surefire

What specific ballast did you use? I'm getting ready to remodel my FasTrack layout but can't make up my mind as to what ballast to use. It is amazing what a little paint and ballast can do for plastic sectional track. I just finished painting and ballasting my Kato Unitrack N scale layout and you'd be hard pressed to tell it's plastic roadbed sectional track. What do you have under the FasTrack? Homosote? Pink foam? Right now my FasTrack is sitting on 3/4" plywood and it is LOUD (one reason why I'm remodeling and a total newbie mistake on my part!)

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