Hello , I just received a lionel 221 the sliders on the pick up plate are missing I see I can buy a replacement pickup assembly. My question is do I have to remove the wheel or can I spring the frame and install the new one thanks for any reply
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If you are missing the shoes but the plate is good you can simply replace the shoes. The part number is 1661-33 and should run you about a buck apiece. Installation is easy if (and this is a big if) the tang on the new shoe fits into the slot on the plate. I've found I have to file the tang to narrow it so it will fit into the slot.
Buy the whole assembly and just change. Spead frame apart and insurt new piece. You can buy part on ebay.
is there a tool or a procedure that I can use to spead the frame without distorting it .
DO NOT replace the pick up if it doesn't need to be replaced. Replacing the shoes is all that is needed, and is a simple job. Replacing the plate properly, will require the wheels be removed and the frame spread with a tool that is a available from Jeff Kane.