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A friend of mine asked me to post this. He is a forum member but has a little bit of a hard time posting the layout area.Please help with some ideas.The room available for the layout is 24 x 9 with a 3 ft extension on the bottom. The extension can be adjusted a bit more if need be. He would like a fly over and min rad 072 for the at least the mainline/s. He has a 36" turntable he was thinking of using in or near the extension but not a deal breaker.Thanks!


Vince poli2


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Last edited by Patrick H
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Originally Posted by MartyE:

May I also suggest that the design be seems it will change a lot.  I think every 4 or 5 mos.  LOL!  Good to see you last evening Patrick.

Glad to see ya to.Alot of nice people there. Let me guess when you got home it ran fine?


Yeah Vince whats the start date on this layout?

If you want to run just 2 or 3 trains in a circle .I ll try another one.   I liked this one cause  a second train can leave the station after the first . The first train can continue the entire layout with the second following far behind.  The first one can wait in the reverse and or reverse or continue onand wait in passing siding  or vice versa. So it can be alot of fun ,but not set up for individiual loops.  I was just givin some ideas . Im no designer for sure. It a really long run if you add it up, Looks like around 200+ feet.




Vince Dpoli77



Vince Dpoli88


Last edited by Patrick H

I like the idea of being able to run one train, and then another running behind it. I also like the point made about how long the run is. But then there are guys who like to run loops. There are guys who like layouts with a ton of switches. Its all up to what YOU want to do with your layout and how you want it to operate.


I also know that when someone is providing me with a design of something that once I start to actually put it together then I get more ideas of my own. So I hope that helps.


Like Patrick said, Im NO designer either. Couldnt do it if I tried. Im a benchwork, track layin, scenery guy! Just my two cents though! 

The only reason I suggest having at least having the "option" of loop running is to be able to have multiple operators, who may not be paying attention as well as they should, run trains without incident.  Large crowds tend to have that happen.  Maybe using switches this could be achieved to work either way.  I do like having one train follow another and actually keep track but when a crowd comes it would be nice to have an option to throw some switches and segregate the layout.

You guys are good at givin ideas.


There you go 2 inside loop runner, then the 3rd loop can run 2 trains and interchange with trains in yard as well as send one inner and bring them out.You can connect the yard the way you like to run through .Sell the turntable and buy some switches. this uses the 11 degre cross and the 4way. 














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Last edited by Patrick H

n Carp no forgot to mention it  thanks  vince






Cleaned it up a bit. 1st level will only have plywood under tracks where in tunnel.



4 independant loops,4 way used


easy acccess.bridges, grades,tunnels

Can start by building the 4 loops, add rest later.


ALL O72 and bigger


First and second independant routes:






third and fourth independant routes.




 All together and sperate. 









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Last edited by Patrick H
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