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My layout has 11 of the older Lionel Tubular switches.  I need some 3 conductor wire to extend the length of the switch controllers.  Who would I contact to buy about 25 ft of the 3 conductor wire.


There does not seem to be any dealers here in Canada to supply it.


Any help here ???


Thanks in advance.



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   Real nice looking layout, use the HVAC Thermostat wire, you can get it at Lowes fairly cheap, it works perfect and I even used the join connectors when I had to really run a long way, just pick the colored wires you want and stay with them thru out.  As Jack said the original wire is still available off e-bay, you may have a problem getting it sent into Canada however.  You might want to give it a try, just to see if they will let ship.



If you are using a common ground on this layout, and it looks like it's constructed that way, you only need two wires to each 022 - one to each outside binding post(the center is just the outside rail connection). The center wires of each controller can just be connected all to each other(near the control pane)l and a nearby common ground connection(one wire is fine) near the control panel.

Home Depot Canada carries all of the above wire on it's rotating rack.  18 ga. thermo wire (5 twisted strands is in area of Cdn $3.70/m.  Their bell wire is less expensive. 


Active Electronics has a good selection of wire in different gauges- not certain if you are close to the store.  As well, Lowes has 25' pre-packaged rolls of 16 ga wire though can not remember if they carry smaller sizes in prepacked.


Several sources to choose from but $ will no doubt dictate source.  Good luck 

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