Built my newest layout 8 years ago. DCS works great as well as everything else. When I built it I made up several insulated rails for crossing gates and block signals. All worked great and still do. Last November I was cleaning the tracks and for some reason I checked track voltage around the different loops and sidings. All had 18 volts. However, when I checked the insulated rails I was shocked to say the least that they were at 30 volts. Everything still works fine including the crossing gates and block signals. I'm using Gargraves track & Ross Curtis switches. (Switches are hand thrown) Crossing gates and block signals are fed by a Lionel RS-1 set at 12 volts. Track power comes from 3 Z-4000's. 30 volts at the insulated rails adds up to 12 volts from the RS-1 & 18 volts from the Z-4000's. They are not connected any way that I can find. The relays that are used for the crossing gates and block signals are from Scott's Odds & Ends. (MTR-12T relays) When the trains are running and hit the insulated rails the voltage goes right to 18 volts. (Not even a spark when wheels it the insulated track)
i'm amazed everything has run o well for all these years but something is not right.
i would greatly appreciate any help from you electrical folks. My body aches from spending the last 2 months on a creeper under my 22 x 32 layout. Thanks guys.