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Glad you posted the video. Another forum member shared this thread. I'm looking to accomplish something similar. Seeking the red/ green indication at the toggle near the transformer. Below is the link for informational purposes.

Can you kindly provided direction/ instruction on the modifications made to the O27 track switch? Looks like about 7 or so wires and I know nothing about electronics. However I do follow directions well and learning to use a solder iron. ; )

Much appreciated if you can post in the forum or email me directly.

Thank you.

Yeah I'm still tinkering with it hope to have one done and operational by the end of the week. You'll have to run two small gauge wires back to your control panel for the led but shouldn't be a problem. I'll make sure to take pics along the way and do a write up with part numbers

@Former Member posted:

Had a couple leds blow out when a train derailed on the switch. Think the diode wasn't rated high enough. Going to switch out for bigger ones and test it out for a bit. Don't want to give you guys a how to if it's not 100%

You may need to put a TVS diode in the switch to clamp spikes. The resistors will limit current, but will have no effect on the maximum voltage that hits the LED.

@Former Member posted:

I had a diode in place to stop reverse voltage spikes pretty sure they were undersized for the application. Its what I had on hand and they were doing alright until I had a few derailment at the switch. Bigger ones are on order

That diode wont do the job of a bidirectional TVS... a 33 volt TVS diode wired from the common outside rails to the center rail somewhere in the switch body should help extend LED life.

I understand what you're saying the diode was put in simply to block the high reverse voltage that was blowing the leds. All I had on hand was very small switching diodes which were only rated to 200ma. The led and solenoid are not being powered by the center rail but rather auxiliary power on their own transformer I think it happening after the derail was just a coincidence

Yes green main line and red is side. I do have two switches where the main line is the curve so it lights green when the curve is selected and red when the straight is selected. I will be doing a write up at some point wanna make sure everything is good first and this month is busy, got 3 birthdays and Christmas but I will do my best to get it done

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