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This project started with the D-264 Display Layout, with the goal of connecting the two routes for more operating fun, and to reduce the steep grades to something more manageable.   The end result does not look much like the D-264, but is a more interesting and operable layout.   There are two independent routes, an outside O-48 loop and an inside O-36 loop-to-loop with grade.   The grade is a reasonable 3% climbing 5" over 13.5 feet.   Part of the grade is climbing up around the edge of the mountain, and the rest is on an elevated trestle.  The layout is 5' X 9'.

The elevated trestle could be done with Atlas track for a different look, the different track adds interest.

The O-48 turnouts at the bottom of the layout are optional (saving some cash), and they provide expansion opportunities, or can hold one short car, caboose, or a switcher, perhaps a small diesel or beep.  Or they can represent a connection with a larger railroad.

I have attached the original D-264 track plan and a pic below.

Comments and suggestions are very welcome!



Images (3)
  • V6-display-264-V6
  • 965edea8580820b106e0c5b9bb9703de
  • D264-1
Last edited by Ken-Oscale
Original Post

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Here is the version using Atlas-O track for the elevated trestle and around the mountain top.  This will emphasize that train are leaving one place and transitioning to another as they climb the grade.   And Atlas-O will look better as a trestle.  There is only one track connection that connects Fastrack to Atlas-O, so that is easy.

All turnouts are at the front of the layout, so manual turnouts can be used to save $$.

If you would like a greater elevation for the mountain top, a 4% grade will climb to 6.5".



Images (1)
  • V6-display-264-V6c
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Thanks JohnsTrains, a lot of track indeed!   It took a bit of time to work out the arrangement with a long enough run for a modest grade.  Unfortunately, there is not much room for buildings and industries, though a few small buildings can be squeezed in.

Track Sections:

  • 6015, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 1.25".     3
  • 6045, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 22.5" (O-45), angle 30º          2
  • 6046, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 22.5" (O-45), angle 7.5º          4
  • 6050, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 10".         7
  • 6051, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 4.5".       4
  • 6052, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 1.75".     1
  • 6053, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 5.5".       2
  • 6066, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 18" (O-36), angle 30º          12
  • 6068, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 18" (O-36), angle 7.5º          1
  • 6076, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Right turnout 10". O-36   2
  • 6-12014, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 10". 7
  • 6-12015, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 45º (O36)   6
  • 6-12017, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) (manual)       1
  • 6-12022, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 22.5º (O36) 1
  • 6-12023, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 11.25º (O36)          4
  • 6-12024, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 5".  7
  • 6-12025, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 4.5".          8
  • 6-12026, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 1.75".          10
  • 6-12043, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 30º (O48)   10
  • 6-12045, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) (remote)       1
  • 6-12055, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 36", angle 11.25º (O72)          2
  • 6-12056, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 30", angle 22.5º (O60) 1
  • 6-12059, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Buffer/Bumper 3.62".          3
  • 6-12061, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 42", angle 11.25º (O84)          2
  • 6-12073, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 1.37".          13
  • 6-16834, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 15º (O48)   3
  • 6-16835, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 7.5º (O48)  3
  • 6-81946, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Right turnout 10". (O36) Remote/Command 2
  • 6-81947, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) Remote/Command   2
  • 6-81948, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Right turnout 15". (O48) Remote/Command

This latest version adds two more Menard's buildings, a switch tower, oil derrick, rotating beacon and a tunnel.   Its the same track layout as above, but now the elevated trestle is halved, with a bridge and embankment holding half the grade up the mountain.  Its certainly a much more interesting layout, with more scenery and more to look at.  



Images (1)
  • M59-01-V6e
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Thanks very much RTR12!   I tend to agree, and I am beginning to feel this may be the best of the small layouts I have posted to this point, and I am seriously considering scrapping my 4X12 to give this one a try.   If I do decide to build this one, I may extend it to 5X10 in order to squeeze in a couple more Menard's buildings.  -Ken

  • Ken-Oscale posted:

    This latest version adds two more Menard's buildings, a switch tower, oil derrick, rotating beacon and a tunnel.   Its the same track layout as above, but now the elevated trestle is halved, with a bridge and embankment holding half the grade up the mountain.  Its certainly a much more interesting layout, with more scenery and more to look at.  


    Nice work - I think that I like this variation the best: it still leaves room to put in a mining scene or small town on the mountain. My space will be 6 x 12 so using something like this allows me to stretch it out a bit.






Thanks for the encouragement RTR12 - this version replaces the turnouts connecting the two routes with O-60 turnouts, for a better higher-speed connection between the two routes.   And I extended the layout to 5 X 11 in order to run a siding to serve the power plant, so I can service the plant with a cut of coal cars with access to either end to drop off a locomotive after positioning the coal loads.

I was able to squeeze in one more building, the Red Owl store, which is really cool, but rather large.

The 5' width is a potential reach issue - for my build this layout will go on a 4X8 table with castors, so I can pull it out from the corner for access.



Images (1)
  • M511-01-V7b
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

5 x 9 is a common ping pong table size.  Available in fold up 4 1/2' x 5' vertical on rollers.  

A 5 x 10 one piece is available in high  density 3/4 & 5/4 counter top panels.   Very flat, very smooth, no plywood type voids.

That Hi D panel is also available in 30" wide stock x various lengths up to 16'.  Splice it to make what you want.

Available from real genuine lumber yards.  NOT HD or lowe's.

Ken,  You are welcome.

Foam is fun but 4 x 8 is just a tad tight imo.

3 panels wide of T&G 24" foam glued together staggered and stepped can yield almost any size under 6 x 10 or 12.  

1/2" wood dowels could be used for splicing the panels.

You can carve foam with a spackle knife and get smooth edges.

Lightly drag the knife progressively deeper along a scratch line.  You will discover a sweet spot on the blades edge that cuts cleanly.  5 or 6 firm passes and you are through 2" foam.  Absolutely no mess at all.

PM of 11.23.09 008PM of 11.23.09 010PM of 11.23.09 009

I use foam alot in RRs and general construction.  It makes nice attic boxes to insulate pull down attic steps.  Using wooden  backing plates you can even install carry handles

PM of 11.23.09 011


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  • PM of 11.23.09 008
  • PM of 11.23.09 010
  • PM of 11.23.09 009
  • PM of 11.23.09 011
Last edited by Tom Tee
copsey's trains posted:
Ken-Oscale posted:

Thanks JohnsTrains, a lot of track indeed!   It took a bit of time to work out the arrangement with a long enough run for a modest grade.  Unfortunately, there is not much room for buildings and industries, though a few small buildings can be squeezed in.

Track Sections:

  • 6015, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 1.25".     3
  • 6045, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 22.5" (O-45), angle 30º          2
  • 6046, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 22.5" (O-45), angle 7.5º          4
  • 6050, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 10".         7
  • 6051, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 4.5".       4
  • 6052, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 1.75".     1
  • 6053, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Straight 5.5".       2
  • 6066, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 18" (O-36), angle 30º          12
  • 6068, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Curve radius 18" (O-36), angle 7.5º          1
  • 6076, 0 Atlas 3-Rail Nickel Silver Track, Right turnout 10". O-36   2
  • 6-12014, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 10". 7
  • 6-12015, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 45º (O36)   6
  • 6-12017, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) (manual)       1
  • 6-12022, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 22.5º (O36) 1
  • 6-12023, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 18", angle 11.25º (O36)          4
  • 6-12024, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 5".  7
  • 6-12025, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 4.5".          8
  • 6-12026, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 1.75".          10
  • 6-12043, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 30º (O48)   10
  • 6-12045, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) (remote)       1
  • 6-12055, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 36", angle 11.25º (O72)          2
  • 6-12056, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 30", angle 22.5º (O60) 1
  • 6-12059, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Buffer/Bumper 3.62".          3
  • 6-12061, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 42", angle 11.25º (O84)          2
  • 6-12073, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Straight 1.37".          13
  • 6-16834, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 15º (O48)   3
  • 6-16835, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Curve 24", angle 7.5º (O48)  3
  • 6-81946, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Right turnout 10". (O36) Remote/Command 2
  • 6-81947, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Left turnout 10". (O36) Remote/Command   2
  • 6-81948, 0 Lionel FasTrack, Right turnout 15". (O48) Remote/Command

what trestles are used and why both types of track- Atlas, Lionel


Copsey, the plan could be built entirely with either FasTrack or Atlas or even some other brand.   But in this case, the elevated track on the long grade up might not look as good with the integrated roadbed of FasTrack.   While the Atlas track looks good as track on a trestle.   

So why not just all Atlas? - my personal preference for Fastrack to avoid all of the ballasting needed - a job I find tedious and hard on my back.   And FasTrack looks pretty good and is near to bullet-proof.

And the two different track types add interest - it makes the level high-speed mainline track look different from the track used to run up the mountain.   As if a different branch, or track maintained to two different standards by the railroad.

For trestles - use whatever you like that works with your track.   Or build an custom elevated girder bridge as some others have done, using dowels to look like concrete support pillars, and then use a light wood or plastic to make the curved girder bridge to follow the track.   Decorate it with small strips of plastic to make the bridge appear to be made of plate girders.   There are examples here on the forum.


This is a revised version of this 5x9 plan:  updated structures and some terrain; revised gentle "S" curves at the top, using O96 for the outside O48-minimum loop, and O84 for the inside O36-minimum loop-to-loop route.  Operators used to O-36 curves will enjoy viewing their trains easing through these graceful curves.


I took Tom's suggestion and added a mine in the upper left corner.


Images (1)
  • V6-display-264-V6g
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

After adding the mine scene in the upper-left corner, I thought to add 1/2" elevation for additional clearance over the tracks in the tunnel (the inside track climbing at 3%).

Starting from the turnout at the lower-left, the inside grade climbs at 3% through the tunnel to the transition track, and then around at 4% to cross over the lower tracks near the switch tower.   I have indicated the minimum vertical clearance points (a bit over 5") with diamonds at two places.



Images (1)
  • V6-display-264-V6j
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

I shifted the upper loop 1/2" to the right in order to open up a bit more space between the elevated loop and the lower track on grade, just before the tunnel.   And a few minor scenic enhancements including Lionel's Yard Tower and Work House with sound.


Looking like a pretty good plan in just 5'x9':  two trains, routing options, train reversing, "other" RR connections or expansion, enough structures (9) and scenery, and three spurs for some switching, without being two crowded or "dense".

All but one turnout is toward the front for easy access, and the scenery rises from the front toward the back of the layout for a good visual effect.   Scenic attractions include the two-track tunnel, the elevated trestle run, a number of bridges, some nice wooded hills and a small stream.


Images (1)
  • V6-display-264-V6j
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

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