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I don't have a Christmas section on my Christmas layout each year, but when I do I like to populate the area with Christmas and winter things.  I picked these "solar" powered items yesterday - they need a BRIGHT lite to activate them as shown in the videos, and I haven't yet figured out how I will do that so as to somewhat hide the lites.  I wish the receptor on all 3 (one isn't shown here) was in the back of the figure but 2 of them are in front.

- walt


Video of them swinging.  Kinda cool.    (18 seconds)   (14 seconds)  (16 seconds)


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Last edited by walt rapp
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ogaugeguy posted:

Walt, have you thought about removing the solar panels and hard wiring the figurines to equivalent power sources and adding on/off power switches too?

Good idea.  I tried to remove the bottom but it's glued on so tightly that I was concerned about breaking the whole thing trying to remove it, so I quit trying.  I like your idea very much though - it's what I've done to everything that I own for the layout that is battery powered.

I experimented yesterday and at least found small lights that are bright enough to work - not all were.  It's not a finished idea for sure.  My goal, besides finding a smaller less conspicuous way to light it, was to think of ideas to hide the bulb.  Since the only thing I could think of involved a close-up cover of some sort, foil seemed to be the only thing to use.  Learned something else - I also now have to protect the plastic base - the heat from the bulb (and these bulbs get HOT) left a small indent in the base.  Lit longer it might have melted it.

- walt

Smaller Light vid:   (19 seconds) – Solar Swinging Santa with small light

Last edited by walt rapp

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