I needed to replace a couple of body mount posts in a tender shell. I didnt have any from MTH and well ordering them...we all know the story. At first I got some plastruct to make my own. While I was searching for something else I found a pair of the brass posts we get with smoke units that we end up not using all the time.
I cut off the broke part of the body post and the brass post just threaded in really nice and tight. I had to cut the brass down a little and then I ran a tap into it to clean up the threads. Then all you have to do is screw it to the remaining part of the body post and your done. The best part is you don't have to wait for glue to dry.
I know there's a lot of ways of doing this but I just thought I would share it. Yeah you have to use different screws but it's a good use of spare parts.