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We have just laid out a temporary track plan for Christmas, about 150 feet of Fastrack.  Running my Gold Polar Express Berk with three heavyweight passenger cars seemed fine but when I turned on the smoke, I notice two things 1) the loco now seems sluggish in corners (O72), noticably, and, 2) it doesn't smoke (even with the Legacy smoke setting on HIGH).  Could this be because my puny CW80 just can't provide enough juice?  I have a ZW-C with two 180 W power bricks packed away from a recent move.  I can pull those out.  Just thought I'd see if anyone sees similar issues with the CW80.  Thanks.  Jeez, I hope it's not a problem with the locomotive!

Happy New Year, Everyone.

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No real surprise there, the locomotive is pulling at least a couple of amps, and then there's the lighted passenger cars...  Before LED, each of those is good for about 1/3 amp.  I suspect the CW-80 can handle it, but as stated previously, you probably are losing power by the time the voltage gets to the far side of the track.  I have around 60 feet total in the Christmas loop at my place, and I tweaked each piece of Fastrack for better connections at it went together.  I also run a second drop to the far side of the loop under the track.  I don't notice any issues running, but the passenger cars I'm running are LED equipped.  I only have a locomotive with smoke, and a tiny bit of power for the LED's, total consist good for 1.5 amps at normal speeds.

Thanks, guys, and Happy New Year.

 Jeff, I figured it was the CW80 but just didn't have time to go searching through moving boxes (unopened after a year) to find the KW or ZW I have.  

I know, Dave, it's a rookie mistake but I DO only have one connection to most of this track.  There's one central loop that has its own connection.  What excuse can I make.  It was temporary and done. literally, on Christmas Eve just to have "something" on the platform.

John, I cleaned every piece of track and adjusted the connections for tightness (center and pinching the outside rails as needed, I've been listening to some of what you guys say).  

Stan, I haven't checked for the green light flashing as holiday festivities have interrupted my train time.  I'll do that when I get a chance, hopefully later tonight.

Here's a pic of what is there.  There is also a 15 foot extension that runs down a wall on the right side of the board.  That has three sidings on it.  I think it may be closer to 100 feet of track (read: wine while estimating).  There are also 8 switches (CC).

Thanks, again, guys.  Have a great day.  All suggestions enthusiastically welcomed.



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