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   Wondering if I can use these AC to DC converters to power a small sign and a large sign off of one converter?  I dialed it down to 4.4 volts DC, works good on the small sign.  Do I keep it at the 4.4 VDC for both signs, will this work?  Thanks for your time.

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laz1957 posted:


   Wondering if I can use these AC to DC converters to power a small sign and a large sign off of one converter?  I dialed it down to 4.4 volts DC, works good on the small sign.  Do I keep it at the 4.4 VDC for both signs, will this work?  Thanks for your time.

Correct - do not change the voltage as you add additional signs and do not wire the signs in series. You are good-to-go. 

Also, as a basic barometer, assume each sign draws 0.1 amps. Depends on the size of the sign of course but this value will keep you in the green.

- The Other Guy

Last edited by The Other Guy

First, make sure the AC input (transformer) IS maxed out at the supposed 18v AC. 

Assuming the buck converter is set to output 4.5v, ,  using your multimeter,  check DC output at the converter each time you add a sign or other current using device like a building for example.  The output will continue to read 4.5 v DC, and will drop below that number if/when/as you have excess devices in the system. 

Each time you add another sign (or any other DC device), check the converter output.  As/when/if you read less than 4.5v is when the load has exceeded the AC input required to supply the devices. 

You might be surprised to see how many LED-using accessories and  devices you can support with a single 18v AC input.  I have 1/2 of my layout's lighting system on a single ZW transformer, and half on a second ZW- neither is even running at full tilt yet supplying AC for the whole layout.  


Mike Wyatt posted:

First, make sure the AC input (transformer) IS maxed out at the supposed 18v AC. 

Assuming the buck converter is set to output 4.5v, ,  using your multimeter,  check DC output at the converter each time you add a sign or other current using device like a building for example.  The output will continue to read 4.5 v DC, and will drop below that number if/when/as you have excess devices in the system. 

Each time you add another sign (or any other DC device), check the converter output.  As/when/if you read less than 4.5v is when the load has exceeded the AC input required to supply the devices. 

You might be surprised to see how many LED-using accessories and  devices you can support with a single 18v AC input.  I have 1/2 of my layout's lighting system on a single ZW transformer, and half on a second ZW- neither is even running at full tilt yet supplying AC for the whole layout.  


While this may work in a pinch, you may still find yourself finding the peak current and not the constant current and prematurely burn items out. It is much wiser and not difficult to look at the current ratings of everything to ensure you are in spec.

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