I have three Ameri-Towne building kits and have ordered four additional kits and I also am considering the Woodland Scenic Kits. Inquiring about the best acrylic paint(s) for painting bricks other colors/shades. The Testor Pollyscale/Floquil paints are no longer being manufactured. Paints must be compatible and adhere to styrene molded walls.
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I would suggest using a spray can for the basic brick color. Red primer makes for a good brick red color. A medium brown or medium gray might be other good color choices. There will be no problem spraying over the raw plastic if you apply light coats.
Acrylics are best used for painting trim after the initial primer coat.
Medium brown enamel spray with craft store acrylic trim on a kitbashed OGR structure:
Thanks Jim for your reply, I have a can of Duplicolor Automotive primer(lacquer) that I was considering for this application. I have used Dullcoat on Williams engines to elimate the gloss paint finish on their older engines with no crazing of the paint. I tried the Delta Creamcoat acrylic paint on the inside facing America-Towne wall today for adhesion and coverage as a test. As with most plastics, the slick smooth surfaces have minimal adhesion for the paint to stick. If an acrylic primer is available I am postulating that it would preform the same way as the acrylic paint, the plastic is not etched for the paint retention. The lacquer primer, being solvent based, is applied as a fog coat should etch the plastic surface for the acrylic paint application.
I have 26 Ameri-Towne buildings. I used brush on all of them. My paint was Pittsburgh Paint in acrylic. You can see by the photos that almost any color will work.