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I have a couple of old 1034s I'm cleaning up.  I don't trust the original circuit breaker so I thought I would replace it with a 1034-17.  Unfortunately, I can't find a wiring diagram anywhere on the best way to do this.  Is there a better way/circuit breaker?  Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Merry Christmas!

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Olsen's parts has the Lionel Factory Service manual available online without charge.

1034 transformer

The breaker is riveted to the top plate.
I was wondering whether they would even be available, but I see that Train Tender has them.

Notice that not every potential circuit is protected by the internal circuit breaker.
Terminal pair "A" - "B" is unprotected, as is "C" - "U".

I like to use external, manual reset breakers on all transformers, even the smaller ones such as this.


Last edited by C W Burfle

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