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I've never paid much attention to the additional floors, but I'm wondering if they have mounting tabs on the top and the bottom to stack multiple floors before putting the roof back on? MTH doesnt show a manual online for how to add the additional floors....

Basically, can I add only one floor? Or can I add many floors by continuing to screw on additional floors?


Original Post

I've seen the MTH department store buildings doubled in height - 10 floors? The exact unscrewing and re-screwing that you will have to do should be pretty common-sensical - I have personally never done it, though I own many of their buildings and they are assembled pretty simply. How complicated could it be?

The nice thing about buildings, for the most part, anyway, is that they don't have to do anything once you have finished, unlike locos and cars, which you have to modify with operation in mind.

Go for it; ignore the building codes in your area!

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