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Hi everyone.  A newbie for sure.  Benn learning about trains as we are expanding our Christmas Village to include a train plus 12' of Front Windows.  Plan run without a lot of attending and wife wants a single track with 2 reverse loops.  My concern is the reliability of 2 Manual Fastrack switches in front of the loops.  I had planned on doing a double track and no switches but this gives her more room for village stuff.  I have attached an ANYRAIL 5 drawing  showing table are w/track   A mix of 031 and 036.   SUggestions appreciated.  We are using a MTH Christmas Freight plus a couple cars.   Thanks Everyone 


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OK   Did a jpg for now.  Have to run errand but wife "Really" wants only one track..  tried to give it more straights around switch and we went with MTH not Lionel to get a bit better engine  (2-8-0)  not great but will replace with Old Steamer type when it quits.  She wants the sound package and I liked the expansion of MTH plus local guys said MTH was a much better loco.  Not great but better than the low end lionel stuff.


Images (1)
  • xmas layout 10

I would also be concerned about leaving an unattended engine running through switches.  Maybe you could float a different idea - hide the second/return track under a hill.  My parents had a snow village and they added a vertical element to it by getting some glass block and plywood and making a "hill".  They made the angle/slope by using fabric for snow and placed a few kids sledding to make it appear solid.  With your layout, you could put a track under a hill next to the window (or the other side) sort of like a tunnel.  Whatever you do, best wishes.

Thanks for the input.  

1st re the 2 track option.  I thought about that but the big side of the drawing faces 3 windows  so I have visibility from both sides.  Hiding a 2nd track seemed not to be an option although  you did give me an Idea and I am going to play with a sunken grade of a couple inches and a low hill.   I figure I need 5+" vertical clearance min and I can look at  2 " uphill on one side and 2" down on the return which means a low hill may be possible.. Have to noodle.   From everything I have read though it seems the Fastrack switches are bulletproof.  I hate that word.   Just asks for trouble.


2nd re the layout - Wife wanted the "undulating feel" in the track.   As for the "S"'s my local train store said that what I had should not pose any issue.  They advised that having at least a section of straight would alleviate the risk.   I will however look at your suggestions seriously as I want to error on the side of the "least" amount of risk.  Maybe I can achieve a better compromise.


Wow -  A great Forum and a WEALTH of knowledge.  I can see where this could get addictive.  I like the mechanics and the electrics/electronics as it matches my early career as a tech for a machine company and then an electronics company.

If switches are a must, them your correct to go with the fastrack. Especially if this is going to be a temporary layout. My layouts are of the annual temporary Christmas type and I've had very little trouble with fastrack. I've had lots of grief from the nearest competitor to fastrack mostly with the switches. Good luck!



Manual 036 FT switches are tough little buggers.  Here's a layout I did a few years ago for the upstairs Christmas Tree.  It used 2 reverse loops w/ 036 switches and a mini trolley line.  The main curves are 048 but the switches were 036.  This layout ran almost constantly over the holidays much to the neighborhood kid's delight.  NEVER had a derailment with the switches.



Last edited by Volphin

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