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I apologize for the newbie question but could not find a definitive answer in the forum.


I am in the process of setting up my first permanent display and want to add a second level using the dog bone design.


Currently I am using a ping pong table since I am all thumbs.  I have glued down homasote to the ping pong table and am tracing a template using cardboard to create the dogbone overlay.


My question concerns the second level.  I would like to use 1/4 inch luan with homasote covering the board on top of it and it would be supported using using pieces of  wood I guess 2 x 4's or something bigger underneath the luan and homasote.


Can I get a way with this or is the luan too thin and should I use plywood.  If I need to use plywood how thin can it be?  Also how do i attach the supports?  Do I glue them to the luan or do I use screws?  I am concerned about the weight and the second level sagging.


I have a lot of homasote left over and wanted to utilize it


Any suggestions are appreciated.





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I would recommend 1/2 inch plywood screwed into 1X4 piers screwed into the homasote/table.  I would then glue one inch thick foam to the plywood for sound deadening.  Less mess than cutting homasote, really strong construction, and won't be affected by changes in humidity.  Depending upon the track that you will be laying, cork roadbed (glued to the plywood) could be substituted for the foam.



Thank you Lee, popyl and trainsrme for your suggestions.


Going to go with the 1/2 inch plywood with the 1X4 piers.  Haven't really tried cutting the homasote yet but if its a pain will go with the foam.  Would the foam grip the screws on the tracks? I would be using 0-27 track due to space limitations.


Really like Lee's idea of using plastic pipe to run the wires to the second level.  Good thinking would have never thought of it.



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