Arduino Gurus:
I need some advice on an MP3 player to use within an animation. It will function under the control of an Arduino MEGA 2560 (I need the additional I/O pins) running a program (sketch) written in the C language. Here are the requirements:
- A player or shield that works with the MEGA 2560.
- Large on-board storage (SD card) – 128 GB or so (large number of files, file structure supported)
- Reliable, robust software library that interfaces w/ C
- Player must have the ability to respond reliably to software commands and easily switch between tracks
- Minimal (preferably zero) soldering
- Player has outputs for multiple speakers
- Decent documentation
- Suggestions for speakers are definitely welcome
I know – it’s not a demanding list, is it?
I have a fair amount of programming experience (, VB, Pascal, Ada, Fortran, Modula-2, various assemblers), but I am in process of learning C for this project.
I appreciate any guidance you can provide.