My grandson has decided that the old American Flyer 4-4-0 he found in the basement (while checking progress on the HO layout) is the only train to have running around the tree this Christmas. So, I've started working on cleanng it up, getting track, etc. I'm wondering if there's an after market add-on for adding sound (steam chuff, bell, whistle...or even just whistle) to an old AC engine like this one??
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Gilbert made a similar engine to yours, a 21168 with headlight, smoke and choo-choo sound. You might find the parts somewhere to retrofit your engine. The same smoke/choo-choo unit was used in the 21088 and 21089 Frontiersman locos. I'd say adding a whistle is probably impractical but AF made various billboard style steam whistles over the years that work well and can be found at most shows for not much $.
My grandson has decided that the old American Flyer 4-4-0 he found in the basement (while checking progress on the HO layout) is the only train to have running around the tree this Christmas. So, I've started working on cleanng it up, getting track, etc. I'm wondering if there's an after market add-on for adding sound (steam chuff, bell, whistle...or even just whistle) to an old AC engine like this one??
Yes, Dallee has a steam sound unit that would fit into the tender of a 21165,6, and 8 with some work, providing, I suspect that one removes the tender weight (if present). The instructions on how to accomplish this is posted on the Dallee web site. Warning -- the Dallee sound board and such will cost more than the 21165 is worth, so the mod would be a labor of love.
Obtaining the innards of a 21168 will be somewhat difficult because there are less of them around than the other two numbers and they are considered to be a "collectible" version of the Casey Jones'.
Just a thought -- instead of going through the effort of modifying a Casey Jones, acquiring an Atlantic (e.g., a four piece or one piece die-cast 302 or a plastic 303) would give one smoke and choo-choo at price likely to be less in expenditure than the Dallee kit.
Hope this clarification helps.
The only smoker that would fit in the 21165 and 21166 is one from the 21168. It is a unique geared assembly made to run off the drivers and sounds better because it's quarter time. All other AF loco's with smoke had half time chuff. The smokers from the Franklin and Washington are HO sized smokers and will not work in the Casey Jones style loco's. Smokers from other steamers such as the Atlantics and Pacifics will not work as there is no way to set up the gear to work the piston because the armature us verticle, and the frame in the Casey Jones loco's is stamped metal with no smoker gear mounting stud supplied. Hence the reason Gilbert had to design an all new and unique smokers for these loco's. An electronic sound board us the best option aside from finding a junker 21168 which is not easy to do. There is nothing in the tender so there is nothing to remove.
The only smoker that would fit in the 21165 and 21166 is one from the 21168. It is a unique geared assembly made to run off the drivers and sounds better because it's quarter time. All other AF loco's with smoke had half time chuff. The smokers from the Franklin and Washington are HO sized smokers and will not work in the Casey Jones style loco's.
I stand corrected.
Hi, would it be possible to use a Williams "Steam Digital True Blast II Sound Unit"?? I know it's made for O three-rail but it's still AC?? The tender of the 4-4-0 is basically empty except for the wires running from the tender trucks to the engine, so there's plenty of room inside....
I did not see you looking for smoke, another sound system you might consider is from Electric railroad. I have used these they are for ac powered trains, are easy to install, and should easily fit in the tender, also a little less expensive then the Dallee.