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For those of you featuring a military and/or nuclear theme in your layout, I'd attach four square fins to the neck, place it on a couple of wood cradles on a (depressed center?) flatcar, lash it down with some scale chain, ...and put some cryptic chalk notes/wishes on its flank.  "Fat Man" and "Little Boy" taken 55 years ago.  But the mind...twisted as some are!...could give it some graffiti that should we say?...more contemporary/appropriate.

Maybe even a Slim Pickens figure waving his cowboy hat while straddling the fire cracker?   

slim pickens

Alternatively, instead of celebrating it on a flatcar, you could bury the sucker about halfway nose-down in somebody's backyard, put a few military/fire department/police emergency vehicles all around the area....lots of flashing red/blue lights....maybe an ITT Products custom sound chip featuring sirens, crowd noises, barking dogs, etc, etc....and a crowd of people surrounding it....harried homeowners, ten-star generals, TV crews, etc., maybe even an ice cream truck, hot dog vendor, know.....all the usual trappings for this sort of event.

Of course, if you're on the more serious side of the hobby......... sure the cartridge is, indeed, empty! 

KD (Lucas Gudinov)


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  • slim pickens
Last edited by dkdkrd

Make a rack for them, drill a hole in the tops, and run tubing/piping from one to the other.  Put it outside a building with a tube running from the tanks to the building and it could be used for just about any kind of chemical, gas, etc.

Good flat car load too.

I'm trying to find a purpose for all the plastic casings my ammo comes in and all the various caliber empty shells I have.

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