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One of the greatest joys I find in reading these posts is the variety of ways we can get something done. Oh sure you can properly do a Google search and find one already built but hey we are not that type. So much like the "What did you Do On Your Layout Today" thread I thought I would start one on alternative uses for common an some not so common tools, paints an assorted products. 


For example I have found a number of uses for the old plastic kids meal trays. Everything from a pond or lake to easy to use wash/paint trays. And recently I was building some stage monitors cases and discovered a product by Rust-oleum. It is called Leak Seal and it is spray on rubber coating. It works great for roots, streets and anything you want to have that certain look that paint just cannot quite add. Spray it on a building and then add a little modeled colored blast and you have a percent Tar and Gravel roof look. If you are modeling a tank cat this would be ideal for the thick tar coating you see over the top of the tank and extending down the sides, to prevent the caustic materials from damaging the tank car.


As for tools, I was reminded recently by Jim Barrett, Run 195 * August 2003, that the tool we find in the Weller soldering kits makes a great tool for tuning up my O-22 switches. The one with the red handle and the slotted end and pointed end. I know yo have one of these in your tool cache.


Ok, so there is a start lets see what we can build no and just maybe save one another from having to buy that over priced model or seldom used tool.


I look forward to your responses...



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I pulled a 3 sets of Hemostats out of my old RC plane box, they are great for holding small parts while you work on them.

I also grabbed several old Dental Picks long ago for working on electronics, they are great for any work on small items.

And This one is pricey unless you catch the right one, But I grabbed a 3D Printer, I have now made a Picnic table, some Pallets, and a BTTF2 Delorian for the layout.

More items will follow now that I have the bugs worked out.

I also use hemostats.  they're great to hold stuff for painting and I've even used them for holding wires while soldering.  I've got a bunch of different sizes and shapes from when my dad was a corpsman in the navy.  He had brought home some outdated surgical and first aid kits they found when they were transferring supplies from an old ship that was being decommissioned.

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