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     This video will take you step by step on, How to prep a Ameri-Towne Structure. Preparing the plastic parts with a wash and using Testers Dull coat to the final painting & weathering for a flat building. See link to a You Tube Video.

     This is a detailed video, on "How to Build, Paint, & Weather an Ameri-Towne Structure."



Thanks for Watching.



Last edited by Rich Melvin
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Thank you.  It's a good video. I've been using Mmeritown kits for years as the basis for bashing and such along with scratch-building.  The ameritown building panels are fantastic - they allow you to make just about anything with a little imagination and work and they are thick and rigid enough to provide some structural strength when you need it.  The video's tips on paint, wash, weathering, etc., apply prety much to any building.  Very good.  



Thanks for posting the video.  It was extremely beneficial.  I am moving back to the US soon and plan to build a similar style basement layout.  Is your track plan for your bottom level posted anywhere on the forum?  I watched all your YouTube videos which are great, especially the one covering how to build a shelf layout, but I didn't see anything detailing the bottom level.




I always had problems brush painting on bare plastic (after washing). The paint would not stick; the brush would just move it around. Then while listening to the video I heard the author say he sprays the bare plastic with Dullcote or Krylon Matte. I tried this approach using Dullcote and Krylon Satin. As can be seen from the picture below it worked great.




Couch Bridges 002


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