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I'm in the process of tearing down my old boring layout and I've been brainstorming new layout ideas. Here's what I've come up with:

The first pic is in it's simplest form. The elevated line is traditional AF S gauge, while the folded dog bone is traditional O31.

The second pic adds a passing siding to the O line but requires a switch inside a tunnel.

The third pic has an optional siding and shows some possible yards.

Any thoughts or suggestions?




simplepassing sidingyards


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  • simple
  • passing siding
  • yards
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I have considered using wider curves. I had a couple other versions that used various combinations of wider curves to get a similar result. It would probably be a good idea because I don't have engines with cruise control so they will most likely bind in the curves. As far as the S gauge incline, it comes out to be a 3.1%. The decline is 5.1%. I'm planning to use a bridge rectifier to slow the train on the decline and I will most likely lock the reverse unit in forward only. (I have kids) I only have one S gauge train and I don't plan on doing much more with it than looping. It has frustrating link couplers that I plan on banding together so uncoupling and shunting will not be an option.

Its harder than you might think to have a layout that combines two gauges in a small space while keeping things interesting. A second tier in the middle takes up real estate for the bottom line, while having one train loop around the outside of the other can be boring and make for a long reach to the middle yards.

I'm going more for a traditional Lionel dealer layout look rather than a detailed scenic layout. I'll soon have 4 kids and I want them to be able to play with any or all of it. Here's a pic of my first layout ever. It was fun to build but I made some (now) obvious mistakes. Too much of the bottom layer is hidden, all 4 different lines just loop and don't connect, and the top tier is too far away to do anything with it. There's also no area that I can reach to put in any operating accessories. Hind sight is 20/20.



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I like the third version from the first batch.

I would suggest losing the switched circle for S gauge line. Use two half curves to 45 the corner and use the resulting space in the back corner for a station or a building, and perhaps a light tower, beacon or something.

That opens up the lower level to expose the switch if you decide to go with the roundhouse. perhaps close in or viaduct the long S run along the wall for scenic value.

There are turntables in the SCARM library. There is the Atlas in the Atlas O library and the Millhouse river turntables in the O gauge listings under their name.

I still like version 3 from above rather than a turntable because the yard in that space could be used to play the Inglenook challenge to add some play value and add to other picking up and delivery operations for the O gauge line.

Care to share your files? You can email them to me if you would prefer not to post them.

Here's just a few tweaks. I started the S incline a little bit later to keep the track low enough to reach over to fiddle with the turntable. I ended up with a crude looking mountain in the corner, which I can definitely picture a beacon on top of. I added a spur for the S line as well. I'm thinking that whenever I do build this layout, I will initially have no spurs or turnable to see how things fit. Then I will collect buildings and industries and see where they fit in. I'm rather excited about building my own turntable and I have a lot of ideas running through my head on how I want to make it. I am considering moving the turntable inside the front loop and making an inglenook challenge on the other wing, but I am afraid that will leave me with very little room for buildings. I can't go much bigger than the current size layout due to furnace/laundry room. Overall I think I like this layout pretty well and I think its almost there. I attached the scarm file if anyone cares to check it out.



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I am fiddling. I have a question - Do you have a lot of engines that you want to be able to change? If yes, are they steam or diesel?

I tried fitting the Atlas O turntable. It's can be located and can be made reliable or to run depending on the condition when acquired. It's a little easier to install and a lot less expensive than others.

A turntable just seems too large for the layout space. Having scenic items would finish the layout nicely.

Last edited by Moonman

I will stick primarily with lionchief steam engines (for now). I only have a few engines. I'm not too interested in buying a turntable due to funds plus building my own seems satisfying. I'm thinking I want the turntable to be at least 20" but 22" or more would be great. If I have to, I can make that wing of the layout slightly wider, while keeping things within reach. Or if push comes to shove, I can move my shelving and lengthen that wing by as much as 2-3 feet. The turntable would be one of the last things I will add to the layout, so if it looks too tight, I'll go another route. I will also see if my wife can pick up a copy of the creative layout plans from the library. Ohio has a pretty cool library system where the majority of libraries all share books, so its likely she'll find it for me.

coltm16a2556 posted:

I will stick primarily with lionchief steam engines (for now). I only have a few engines. I'm not too interested in buying a turntable due to funds plus building my own seems satisfying. I'm thinking I want the turntable to be at least 20" but 22" or more would be great. If I have to, I can make that wing of the layout slightly wider, while keeping things within reach. Or if push comes to shove, I can move my shelving and lengthen that wing by as much as 2-3 feet. The turntable would be one of the last things I will add to the layout, so if it looks too tight, I'll go another route. I will also see if my wife can pick up a copy of the creative layout plans from the library. Ohio has a pretty cool library system where the majority of libraries all share books, so its likely she'll find it for me.

Ok, so I made minor changes to smooth out the grades on the S line and align the joints for a better fall of the track supports.

I also smoothed out the kink in the O line coming out of the tunnel and made the long leg more a balloon shape.

I asked about the engines, because you can put some switches and spurs off of the balloon O line with kill switches to park spare engines and still have some space for buildings and such.

Also, the two lines are in separate layers.



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I gotta say, I think I do like the look of your changes. The more I think about it, my idea seems like the o run will seem short, and somewhat out of view behind the S over under. I like the idea of the long run you added. I'm really thinking about moving my shelving out and lengthening that run even more. Also more length can make the incline even gentler. Maybe if I can balloon it out even more the way you have it, I can still fit a homemade turntable inside the O loop. Or I can even just make it the way you showed it, and I could always lengthen it later if I want to. I want to keep it simple initially, but leave room for expansion to help keep my interest. Here's a crude example. I can still use scarm, i just have a piece limit now, so you'll have to use your imagination some. I'll probably end up buying scarm later on. We have another little one on the way any day now, so I'll be off work a couple weeks without pay soon, so ever dollar counts right now. Thanks to everyone for their input so far.

wip lengthed


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  • wip lengthed

well, I recall only taking time for the birth and the day after - which was an improvement over what was acceptable for my father's time.

I was trying to demonstrate using different size factory curves and cutting curves to make the radius fit for smoother turns. I also had O72 switches for the passing siding from the center to 11:00 o'clock, but I took those out, not knowing your inventory. The O stuff is easy to cut and custom fit. Don't let the factory sizes limit your design.

The S gauge curves are 30° radius, the O gauge are 45° - so, somewhere you need some 15° O gauge -

here is the file with the left side loop removed to reduce it to 99 pieces - you know that loop is all factory O pieces

Best wishes for good health to all with the new addition to the family!


How do I download your attachment? When I click the link it takes me to a blank white page with a whole bunch of random letters.

My current O inventory is limited to O72 curves and a few straights. I plan on buying 022 turnouts because they seem to be cheap and reliable. I'd like to have O72 turnouts but I just can justify paying that much for them. I'll be buying cheap used track, or menards track. Cases of menards track are very cheap and I can pick them up local to save on shipping. I've tried to incorporate my O72 curves into my current project but they just don't seem to fit well.


right-click on the SCARM file, select save as or save target as, and point it to location on the computer.

No problem on the track or switches. It's more the 22.5° of the O72 switch turnout instead of the 45 of the others. I was trying to get a straight track for the passing siding from the center to the left and keep the length.

The largest curve I used was O54 to smooth out the kink near the tunnel and O42 to use the 30° to match the arc of the S gauge balloon.

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