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Is anyone interested in a special run of Scranton Transit trolleys?  


I was trying to work something out with Atlas before Jim Weaver died but I haven't given up.  It would be a pre-sale, one run only, cost would be in line with a regular production model.  Road number would be #324 which is the same as a 1903 Brill undergoing restoration at the ECTM shops and is similar in design to the IR trolley offered by Atlas.  Paint scheme would be the "tear drop" style that the real car was retired with and will wear upon completion.  324 lost her clerestory roof at some point while in service but she was indeed born with one.  All proceeds would go toward the restoration of the actual car.


I can't post a poll so please reply with number of cars requested so I can get an idea if we have enough orders to do a run.



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what would be the price, and if you like  I can talk with the owners of the Scranton Hobby Center, I am sure something like this they would be interested in.  They do special runs from time to time, I know they are working on a DL&W diesel special run from MTH.  I would be interested contact me if you like regarding me talking to them

PORZBE, Atlas had planned to put out a generic STC car with a more simplified paint scheme and I believe a 400 series designation.  I was unaware of this when we submitted for the custom run for car 324, and they put on the brakes when they found out that STC was still trade marked/copy righted.  We have special permission from the holder so no worries for us.

Montclaire, did Industrial Rail ever do a STC car?  My notes on the Atlas car show that it had a catalog # of 1008117A and B for road numbers 362 and 375.  It was on their web site in May 2010 or so for delivery in September which of course did not happen.  I coulda swore I saw IR Scranton trolleys on eBay many years ago.

Originally Posted by POTRZBE:

Montclaire, did Industrial Rail ever do a STC car?  My notes on the Atlas car show that it had a catalog # of 1008117A and B for road numbers 362 and 375.  It was on their web site in May 2010 or so for delivery in September which of course did not happen.  I coulda swore I saw IR Scranton trolleys on eBay many years ago.


No, they were never produced.  Before IR was bought by Atlas, there was a Scranton Railway version but the design was far from prototypical.  It may have also been a special run, I don't recall.


Lee, I think we were looking at something like $87 or $89 each.  Of course it depends on what it costs Atlas to produce the cars plus freight from the far East, and that may have changed since 2011, but the goal is to keep the cars affordable.  A small percentage of that would be the profit and all of that will go to rehab the actual car.  

Around $90.00 for a trolley car is a very good price.


Might you know of somebody that has done the Reading trolley or streetcars used in the city of Reading PA? These would have been used downtown near Penn St. and go north toward either Albright Colledge or Carpenter Steel. Used to be on roads like 4th street and 8th street in town, old trolley tracks keep re-appearing a few years after road paving.


Thought I would mention it since we are on the subject of trolleys.


Lee Fritz

Originally Posted by robertjohndavis:
This is a tough one. I would be 100% interested in a scale model. Is there an artwork sample for the IR car? That might tilt me towards committing.

All the best,



Rob, there will be an artwork sample but after the design has been finalized they will send me a completed car body as a proof before proceeding with full production.  Of course I'll get some hi-res photos so there is no mystery in what you'll be buying.  


I would be interested as well. My 4 year old son keeps asking me when they're going to fix the "blue trolley" after we saw it at the car barn last summer.


Jim, maybe three years?  That is just a guess on my part.  I know they have bid out the motors for the trucks and the body.  The restoration work will start shortly but these things take their time and often go over budget.  The platforms have a good amount of damage and the side sheets need to be replaced, there are also a lot of missing parts since the car body was used as a bar/restaurant since the 1940s.    

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