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Has anyone used light diffusing sheet for windows? looking to get frosted sheet material that will not show the light source inside structure. Any suggestions on source and thickness appreciated, or other simple material suggestions. I am trying to avoid sanding or frosted paint.



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I went to the local architectural drafting supply firm and picked up some mylar (plastic) drawing sheets. It has an opaque frosted appearance, but lets plenty of light through.


Regular model cements do not bond with it. I used thick CA glue, and have had no failures. Next time I may try Ambroid, which I had none of at the time.

Last edited by win86

Well...Probably over the top, but there's this stuff.



Roscolux is used for controlling color and textures in theatrical lighting applications. Along with the hundreds of color choices, there's several levels of frosted and directional "silks" options yielding various effect. It's priced around $6. to $8. for a 20" x 24" sheet, available from theatrical suppliers. Swatch books (pictured above) are usually free for the asking or at most just a couple of bucks.

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