I’m taking a page out of Dennis Brennan’s book on the Sandy Harbor Terminal Ry. Currently I’m about to add a river to my layout using Dennis’ Aquatex glass method. I have acquired the glass and it is large and heavy (84”x39”). I’ve painted the support base, tempered hardboard over 5/8” plywood, using eggshell latex copied from Rust-oleum deep forest green. The base paint will show through if I scratch the glass during installation.
I painted a small test piece of the Aquatex using the Rust-oleum and noticed it scratched very easily. Moving the glass onto the platform isn’t going to be easy. I am afraid I may severely scratch the Rust-oleum during installation.
Since the latex paint went on very smoothly on the hardboard I was thinking I could use the latex on the glass as well, but I am unsure if the results would be as good or as durable as the Rust-oleum. I know some of you have added Aquatex to your layouts and I am interested in hearing what you think.
Thanks, Joe